Chapter 31

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When I go to the bathroom to clean myself up, I see a two inch gash on my cheek. I'm not sure if I need any stitches, but I just find some gauze bandages and apply them on my cuts. How will I explain this to Kian? He'll probably be extremely worried.

Won't he? Why should I assume he cares for me that deeply? He doesn't even care enough to tell me his secrets.

But of course, I haven't done that either.


I was right. The next day at school, Kian flips out.

"How did this happen?" He seems much more confused than the time my head was bagged by that strange man.

"I...I don't know."

"You don't?"

"It doesn't make any sense! It sure didn't look like The Red!"

"How would you know what they look like?"

"I don't. I'm just saying the thing that caused this was very open and not disguised at all."

He analyzes me. "Natalie, tell me what happened."

I shiver at the way he says my name. He's so serious right now.

I simply tell him that I met a crazy group of people. He wants to know more, but I just say, "Kian, clearly I don't feel like sharing. Let it go."

And the conversation ends there.

✯ ✯ ✯

It's Friday night. I'm meeting Kian at the park at 11:00. After I told him to let it go, he just went back to normal, except a little on edge. I'm still excited to see him.

When it's fifteen minutes until eleven, I can't wait any longer, just like last time. So I head to the park early. And sure enough, he's there, lying on the grass, looking at the stars.

I don't even need him to tell me to lay down. I'm already headed toward him, much more gracefully than when I had my crutches.

When I'm laying down, I realize that I sat down a little too close to Kian, because my arm is pressed against his. But I don't move it.

"I've been looking at this star," Kian says without even greeting me. "See that bright one up there that's kind of a golden color? It reminds me of your eyes."

I blush, thankful for the darkness that hides the pigment in my skin. I search the sky, and then point at a star. "See that light blue one? It doesn't even compare to your eyes." I say it plainly, not even making it sound special. Just obvious.

I look at Kian's face. He's smiling bigger than he normally does, and he's trying to hold back laughter. Then he says, "You realize we chose the two brightest stars in the sky?"

"Maybe we just shine brighter than the others," I say.

Silence. I'm surprised at this conversation we just had. Maybe he is too.

After a while of silence and staring at the stars, I say, "You almost smiled."

"Did I?"

"Are you any closer to achieving your goals?"

"Well, there's one I'm focusing on."

"What is it?"

"You don't get to know."


"You'll just have to wait until you see me smile. Then you'll know."

"I don't know what kind of goal you could achieve that could make your stubborn face actually smile."

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