Author's Note (Important Information)

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I'm not sure how many of you noticed, but I removed the book's sequel, The Notes, some time ago. I had a few chapters up, and I was writing a new chapter but I just wasn't inspired. I felt and still feel terrible. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I realized I might want to alert anyone who cares about what my plan is. No, I'm definitely not abandoning the story. There is some important information I'd like to share about my plan.

So, my plan is to rewrite the story. Yeah, that's a little drastic. But, there were so many plot holes and areas where the flow wasn't smooth and it's bothering me. I did start writing this three years ago, and I'm hoping to make it better.

As for the sequel, it's not going to be a separate book. I will just upload it to this story thread. No, I'm not combining it into one whole story. It'll simply be split into parts.

I do have other works in progress right now, and I'm not sure if anyone is still interested in reading this one. If you're anxious for something to happen, let me know in the comments and I'll start sooner.

Again, I'm so sorry for the wait. I appreciate everyone who voted for the story and commented. I know lots of people loved it, and I shouldn't have let it drift away. But it happened and now I don't know if anyone is gonna want to read it :'-/)

So, if you want progress now rather than later, then please let me know so I can put my unpublished story on hiatus to concentrate more on this one that already has fans.

Thanks again,

Hannah ಠ◡ಠ

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