Chapter 29

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The rest of that week goes by smoothly. Hayden and I make small talk, and Kian seems to be improving even more than before. It's like he's developing a sense of humor or something.

I make it through the weekend without dying, but that's because Caylen and I decided that we'd just stay home and hang out. We didn't really feel like dying anytime soon. We definitely weren't going to stay in the house all the time, but when we needed to go somewhere, we'd have to get there quick, with no stopping. So basically, next time we wanted to leave the house, we'd sprint the whole way.

Monday comes and I get my cast taken off. It feels amazing! It's like being released from prison! At least, I imagine this is what it feels like. But I'm free! And I don't know what to do with myself!

It's on Tuesday that Hayden almost asks me to the dance.


I walk into Mrs. Blaise's science classroom that day and take my seat next to Hayden.

The first thing I see is a yellow sticky note stuck to the table.

On Monday, May 1st, class will be held in room F2 17 due to minor construction.

-Mrs. Blaise

I look up and realize that every table has a sticky note stuck to it. They're probably just reminders that will stay up until May 2nd.

Hayden sits next to me and the bell rings for class to start.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi." I cross my legs. I don't need him noticing the cast removal any sooner than needed. That'll just bring up what he wrote on it, which I'd really not talk about.

"How's your day going?"

"Pretty good."

"That's great. Mine is going well, too."

"Good to know." Why are we speaking so awkwardly?

"Natalie?" Mrs. Blaise calls.

I perk up and look at her. "Yes?"

"Would you come write the definition of meiosis on the board in your own words?"

I nod and stand up. So much for keeping my ankle hidden from Hayden.

I pick up the dry erase marker write the definition of meiosis in my own words. I can feel Hayden's eyes on me the whole time. Once I turn around and head back to my seat, I see that he is, indeed, looking at me.

Once I'm sitting down in my seat, he says, "Your cast is gone!"

"Yes it is."

"So is the declaration of my good looks."

"And Kian's," I point out. I glance at Kian from the corner of my eye. He's writing on his paper, but a smirk is clearly plastered on his face.

"Right," Hayden says awkwardly. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to hear you say it again."

I grab my backpack from the floor and put it on my shoulders. Hayden laughs quietly.

"Come on, Natalie."

"Not again, Hayden. It's not cool."

"Do it."

"Actually, it is too much trouble, okay?"

"It really shouldn't be."

"I didn't want to the first time, so I won't do it now."

"Well, since your cast is no longer proclaiming this truth, I need to hear you say it, since you're no longer wearing it."

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