Chapter 15

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When I wake in the morning, the sun isn't even all the way up. Why must I always wake up so early?

I take a look at where I am. The white room with wooden floors. I'm laying in a bed with a purple bedspread. I wasn't dreaming. This is real. The whole thing.

Dang it.

Well, at least my new friend is real. What was his name? Caylen.

I close my eyes, but they just want to open again. I can't get back to sleep, no matter how much I try.

After laying still for a second, I realize my head has a dull ache. What am I supposed to do for entertainment around here? Am I even allowed to use the computer on the desk, or is it just used for detective purposes?

Maybe I should run. Not run away, but like Jill and I would run. To keep in shape as well as give us something to do. And avoid people. Don't forget that.

I dig in my suitcase for my running shorts, and after putting them on, I search the desk drawers for sticky notes, or piece of paper, or something. I find some tape, a notebook, and a pen. So I tear out a sheet, and write:

Went for a jog. Be back soon. -Natalie

I use some tape to stick it to the outside of my bedroom door. When I've made my way to the front of the house, I expect some sort of alarm to go off once I step outside. But thankfully, it doesn't happen.

When the cool fresh air touches my face, I think, I could run away from all of this. But then I think, Nah, better not. Besides, Caylen was so happy to have me here. I can't just leave. And it wouldn't be easy, anyway.

By now I'm jogging down the street, away from the little park. My new home is on the other side of town than the orphanage. But I'm not going back. I, Natalie Cace, am a chicken.

If I keep going this way, I'll leave town, and end up at the lake soon after. I think that's what I'll do.

Wow, I think. I'm going to get The Red! I'm going to put them in their place. They will pay for their crimes! They will pay for murdering my parents, and numerous others. But.... What can I, a little sixteen-year-old girl, do to them? I just admitted that I'm a chicken.

You'll think of something, my mind tells me. No matter what, they are going to get caught. I won't let them get away with any of it. Not after all they've done.

I wonder how Jill is taking my absence. Is she bored? Or maybe not bored? Is she sad? Or has she moved on? I wonder what Cathy told her. I wonder if I'll have the guts to ever see her again.

My mind moves on to other worries. School. Public school. I don't know anybody! Caylen's not even in my grade. What am I going to do?

Okay, Natalie. Relax. I'm going to be fine. I'm not the only new kid in existence.

About a half a mile away from the lake, past a wall of bushes, there is a creek that's connected to the lake. I've only been there once, a long time ago, but I remember a trail cutting through the woods that ends by the creek. I ought to go there.

I wonder how Preston is. Does he miss me? He might. He wasn't exactly a cool kid back at the orphanage. Donovan was the cool kid, because he was the oldest one who wasn't a total nerd, even though I find Preston's knowledge very cool. Liam was the one who bugged everybody, but if he went to public school, he'd probably be the most popular in his grade, getting on the teacher's nerves and such.

Does Cathy miss me? Maybe I'm overreacting and none of them miss me. That would actually be the best thing to believe; maybe I wouldn't be so bothered.

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