A quiet house

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I once told my mom that I hated how loud the house was all the time and that I'd want a quiet house when I eventually move out.

She responded with "No you won't"

I said yes I would.

She said I'd eventually feel lonely and that I'd go crazy over the silence.

I brushed it off.

Once she got sick and was rushed away to the hospital the house fell silent..like all the sound was swept away with her.

And now the silence I wanted is what I hate most.

The house is lonely and dark and unrecognizable.

Mom was correct, I wouldn't like it, and I want nothing more but to tell her that.

To tell her how she has always been right about everything, always.

Oh how I wish I listened.

For me a quiet house is a lonely house...the silence I longed for is the silence I now want broken.

Mothers always correct.

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