happiness Pt 2

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It's seem my existence is a hassle, it seems it's inferior and an annoyance to the human existence.

It seems my joy and what I like and think and my morals is all just stupidity ans annoyingness.

It seems all my ideas and thoughts are just nonsense, and just things that make no sense.

It seems everything about me is just a bunch of scribbles in a foreign language that makes no sense to the human mind which is the one thing that hurts more than a piercing knife.

Because it's not like I want to be like this or even exist in this such way.

But the idea of someone really understanding this foreign language that Is me is almost unimaginable to my mind.

So let me say this.

What's the point of trying.

I mean Its just no use to try and learn this language that Is my personal thoughts and imagination.

It's no use even if I try and teach my mind to other's.

Even if I try and make sense.

I just become more annoying apparently.

So what if I just change.

Change to make sense.

What if I learn other's languages.

Even if it's uncomfortable to me.

Why not.

Since I make no sense to people.

I'll just change.

For the people's liking I'll risk my happiness and joy just to make sense.

I guess...

- If change is what the people want I'll give it to them.

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