Heart thief

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Why do you steal others hearts when you can't take care of your own.

Why must you hurt others hearts when you yourself are hurting.

It's not fair for others, why do I watch you do it.

It's not fair how you steal others love for your own selfish reasons.

Just to feel that you're valid yet you don't validate others by spreading pain.

It's not fair.

Why must you love wrongly, spreading pain without knowing.

Please friend stop loving falsely.
Take time and care for yourself.
Learn the ways of loving yourself.


It's tiring watching you break and steal hearts from random victims.

It's unfair.

The way your choosing to love.

It's unfair.


Stop spreading the terrible sad pain.

Please learn to love gently and softly and fairly.

For the ones you've hurt and stolen love from.

Please stop being a heart thief.

- you can only love another when you learn to love yourself first.

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