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'so everything is good?' Mike asked

'yes' I nodded 'and he loves me'

'you already told us' Sophie smiled

'I know, but he loves me' I smiled wide

'oh Blake, what have you done?' Alison sighed

'he fucking loves me. he told me he loves me, he said "I love you more" when I said that I loved him. of course it's not true but it's cute and that means he loves me a lot. you know, I though he didn't think it was special but it was, it was special and so full of love, he also felt that, it wasn't just me. I love him guys, I really do and he-'

'what are you rambling about?' Blake asked as he put his arms around my shoulders

'you' Alison stated

'me? well then you must ramble a lot' he teases me and plants a kiss on my cheek

'thanks' I said sarcastically as I looked Alison dead in the eye.

'you're welcome' she smiled.

'and hey, you smell nice' I looked up at Blake

'that's probably because I decided to shower after literally living in my car for 3 days straight' she tilted his head

'remind me again why you like him' Mike cringed

'because he's one big mess of perfectness' I turned around to him and smiled

'that's cute' he smiled down at me

'I can be cute if I want to' I rolled my eyes because he always says that and I'm getting tired of it.

'false' Blake stated

'huh' I frowned

'you're always cute, even when you do a double chin' he says

'get you a guy who thinks your cute even on your ugliest' Mike mumbled, I turned around to him.

'I already got him' I smirked

'don't remind me I'm as single as a pringle' Mike pouted

'pringles are not single, in fact they are spooning all the fucking time' Alison told him

'what a slutty crisp' I mumbled

'the topics that you discuss about amaze me every time' Julian said as he stood next to Sophie.

'the way you make Sophie blush by even standing next to her amazes me' Alison exposed her too.

'that's just because we kissed' Julian smirked and put his arm around her

'you what?' both Alison, Mike and I exclaimed

'we kissed' Julian frowned

'excuse me, miss Dawson why haven't you told us about this' Mike widened his eyes

'it's pretty crucial' I added

'bitch' Alison narrowed her eyes.

'I haven't told you because it happened last night. Plus I was planning on telling you so thank you Julian for giving me that chance' she said sarcastically while turning her head to Julian.

'sorry honey but I've got class' Julian gave her a kiss on her cheek and walked away.

'and now we have 2 couples to remind me only mosquitos find me attractive' Alison pouts

'I think Patrick wills strongly disagree' I smirk

'fuck you' Alison says as Mike and I crack up.

'who's Patrick?' Blake asked

'Patrick is a particularly ugly guy that had a huge crush on Alison during camp' I explained to him

'he tried to kiss her but she pushed him away which made him fall and that is how he broke his arm' Mike added

'he will always have a trauma' I nodded slowly

'gosh, why are we all exposing everybody?' Alison pouts

'you're the one who started hun' Mike put her arm around her

'I know' she pouts and turns so Mike's hands falls of her shoulders

'I have class, bye' she waved at us and walked away.

'let's go' Mike started walking, as did we.

'where is Brendon actually?' I looked up at Blake

'I saw him making out with Chanel so I'm guessing their in the bathroom f-'

'I get it' I cut him off

He chuckled and shook his head.

'what?' I asked

'it's cute how you don't want to say words like, fucking, sex-'

'I get it okay' I stopped him by putting my hand in front of his mouth.

We walked into the classroom, as usual the whole class went silent and watched him sit down in the seat in front of me, which was a miracle apparently.

'so I was thinking that we maybe could go to my house after school' Mike turned to us

'the whole crew?' I asked

'yes' he nodded

'sure' I nodded

'by the way, Julian texted us last night. He's definitely head over heels about Sophie' Blake told us

'ahw' both Mike and I said at the same time.

'the hopeless romantic final has her boy' I mumbled

'she's even a more hopeless romantic than all of us together' Mike told Blake

'I though you where the hopeless romantic' Blake points at me

I wanted to say something but Mike took my chance, 'her pathetic ass was always drooling over you'

'ah baby' Blake pressed his lips together and I smiled small and then looked at Mike,

'says the one who always pouts hot guys are straight'.

'true, but I can accept that guys don't like me. You always got that hope' he snapped his fingers

'and see where that got me' I squeezed Blake's face with one hand

'maybe I should keep that hope too' Mike said after a while

'maybe you should' I smiled

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