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'so who are you?' Blake asks.

Hello I'm the girl who was had a crush on you since she sat a foot in the same room as you did. I've been checking you out every day and stalking you Instagram countless times.

I didn't say that, it's probably not the most convenient thing to say. I just simply said: 'I'm Christina, but I prefer Chrissy'

'okay' he shook the hand I stuck out 'I'm Blake'

'I know'

Holy motherfucker, why did you say that?

'I mean, cool' I try to stay confident

'don't worry, I know have a thing for me' he smirks

'you do?' I frown 'I mean' I coughed 'I don't have a thing for you'

'everybody has a thing for me'

That's such a dick thing to say, but why is it so true?

'anyway' he smirked 'can I have my hand back?'

I looked down to our hands that where still shaking.

'of course' I shook my head and pulled my hand back.

Why are you so fucking stupid?!

'see you'

He smoothly turned around and kept walking. How could he be such a dick but still be so perfect.

I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts, turned around and walked back to the cafeteria where my friends where.

So let me inform you what just happened: Blake- who I've had a crush on since, well forever- dropped a pen. I picked it up and gave it back. With that came the first ever conversation I had with the boy. Of course it was awkward because I'm an awkward person.

'where the fuck where you?' Sophie turned around

'I' I widened my eyes and sat down 'just had the most awkward conversation to ever exist'

'with who?' Alison asked


They both gasped 'oh my god'.

'our little Chrissy is making a move' Sophie nodded proudly 'and that on the second day of our junior year'.

'guys, it was just awkward and I'm sure he won't even remember me after this. And if he did he would only laugh and never ever ever like me'

'not so negative Chrissy' Alison put an arm around me

'who knows, maybe you'll be his next target?' Sophie wiggled her eyebrows.

'I know' I snapped 'I won't be his next target, ever'

Than the bell went, saved by the bell.

'I have Spanish so I'll see you after school' I smiled, grabbed my bag and went to the classroom.

Unfortunately and fortunately I had this class with Blake. Unfortunately because now I had to see him after that awkward conversation. Fortunately because now I can stare at him the whole 50 minutes long.

I entered the class, sat down in the back and waited until the teacher came in.

'chica' Mike, my gay, Spanish, best friend yelled when he entered the room.

'hey Mike' we gave a high 5 followed by our handshake. I know, it's lame but I like it.

'ready to stare at him' he smirked. Did I forget to mention that he's my co-stare partner. We always stare at 'Blake the whole lesson long.

'I just talked to him' I mentioned and he gasped. 'we had the most awkward conversation ever' I said followed by the whole experience.

'oh girl' he widened his eyes and pursed his lips.

'I know' I nodded. we were shut down by the door being slammed open.


His entrance always makes everyone quite. With his perfect brown hair, his perfect body dressed in jeans, a hoodie with headphones around his neck. His face was grumpy as always. His perfect lips where closed as his eyes covered the room and stopped as he saw me.

What the fuck?

I didn't know if I should smile, look away, close my eyes, do a lap dance. I DON'T KNOW.

After 2 seconds his eyes closed and he kept walking to his seat, 2 seats in front of Mike's. When he sat down he put his headphones on and the class started making noises again.

'holy shit magnet' he mumbled

'what the fuck face' I mumbled back

'he fucking looked at you' he whispers and I nod.

Luckily the teacher came in and started the lesson. As I explained Mike and I stared ay Blake the whole lesson long.

Jesus, he is so freaking hot. I bet you could bake bacon on his existence.

After school I went to my sisters car. She was already sitting in it.

'hey bel' I smiled when I stepped in

'hey sis' she smiled back 'how was your day'

'fine' I put on my seatbelt and she started driving.

Me and my sister, Bella, have a really close bond. We tell each other everything. I don't know why I'm not telling her this but I guess I want to tell it her when she's not driving. Because believe me, she will freak out. She knows I have the biggest crush on him and she has told me to talk to him ever since she knew but I never did.

When we got home I went upstairs to do my homework.

I did that until I grabbed my diary and started writing. About Blake of course.

Dear Diary,

Today I had my first conversation with Blake. To be honest I can't stop thinking about his little smirk. Holy mother trucker, it was so hot. I know that he will never look at me again but for some reason I felt so special when he looked at me for 2 seconds at Spanish.

Why do I have to feel like this. Why do I have to like HIM. Why not Robert, you know that guy that called me pretty in 8th grade. But of course I have to like the only guy I can never get.

Shadows Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora