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I woke up to the sunlight peeking through the curtains. Slowly I opened my eyes to find myself only dressed in my underwear. As soon as my body was awake enough I let out a loud yawn.

I turned to see that Blake wasn't in bed. I scoffed at the thought that he was probably just down stairs having breakfast on his own, how romantic right?

I put on the yoga pants I was wearing yesterday and his sweater, it's huge so why not?

I went down stairs but he wasn't there.

'Blake?' I called hoping he would answer but he didn't.

I went outside, he wasn't there, and his car was gone too.

Did the fucker went out to get breakfast?

I decided to call him, but he didn't pick up.

'Hey, it's Chrissy. Where are you? I'm kind of worried' I spoke after the beep.

My breath slowly got heavier and heavier.

No Chrissy, stay calm. He's fine, he's 17, he can take care of himself. Plus he probably just went out to have breakfast.

But why did he go away after we had sex? Especially because it was special? At least it was to me, maybe he just thinks of me as one of the many girl? What if I don't mean anything to him?

I went inside and paced back and forth before calling him again.

'It's me again. Where are you? Why did you go away? Why right now? You know, after what happened' I hung up again.

What if something happened to him? What if he just drove to get breakfast but he bumped into a tree, or another car. What if he got kidnapped?

No, he probably didn't get kidnapped. He would fight and come back to me. But where is he then?

I was now sitting on the couch, staring at Blake's contact that I had called "Mister. Boyfriend". I have called him twice and send him a few texts.

The sound of a lock unlocking then filled the house.


I almost jumped up and walked to the door. Only I found a man, probably the same age as my dad. He was taking off his shoes and jacket.

'Who are you and what are you doing in my house?' The man asked

'You're house' I widened my eyes 'you're Blake's dad'

'Yes I am' he said, his face very confused

'Do you know where he is, he wasn't here when I woke up and his car is gone too.' I told his dad.

He scoffed, closed his eyes and let out a long breath. Without saying a word he walked yo the kitchen.

'What are you thinking?' I asked 'mister Bloomingdale?'

He stopped and turned 'he does this a lot. He just goes away for god knows how long. He just gets drunk and high until his friends find him and bring him back.'

'His friends as in Julian and Brendon?' I asked

'Yes' he nodded, turned around again and grabbed some food.

'I'm calling them' I stated and called Brendon.

'Chrissy?' He picked up, probably because I never call him.

'Blake's gone' I stated. Just like his dad he sighed. 'I woke up and he wasn't there, his car is gone too'

'Okay, we're going to look for him' he told me

'I want to come with' I said

'No, you just stay calm. Go home and just wait for us to find him' he said

'But I want to come, I'm worried about him' I pouted

'Chrissy, i'll keep you updated okay?' He told me

'As much as you can' I sighed

'Bye' he said and hung up.

'He going to look for him' I turned around to his dad who was eating an apple.

'Okay' he nodded. 'So what's you name? You never told me'

'Oh, Christina Hastings, but everyone calls me Chrissy' I smiled at him. 'Except Blake, he calls me Christina because he doesn't like Chrissy'

'Okay' he rose his eyebrows 'so what are you two, friends? fuckbuddies?' He asked

'Ehh' I coughed, I wasn't expecting him to say that. 'I'm his girlfriend'

'Girlfriend' he scoffed 'don't get your hoped up little girl, he's the leat loyal person you will ever meet. He probably won't last a week'

I frowned 'well, we're 2 months together and to me he's very loyal'

He frowned and looked back at me 'you're saying he's only been with one girl for 2 months straight?'

'Yes' I nodded

'You must be special' he mumbled and walked to the living room.

'I don't know' I followed him.

'Why are you here then?' He asked me

'I stayed over' I tell him and sit on the big stool.

'And he just left?' He asked me

'Kinda' I nod small

He scoffed and took a bite from his apple.
'I'm sorry but he's probably fucking another girl right now'

I looked down 'Blake's not like that'

'I guess you don't know him so well' his dad stated

'I do' I snapped back 'sir, I know him really well actually'

'Really?' He frowned

'Yes, I know him very well. We've known each other since the beginning of this year and we've talked for ours and ours. I know I don't know everything about him, but I know a lot. So don't you dare say I don't know him. I know he's away but I don't know why either. And to be honest, I'm really hurt. He fucking walked away after last night, which was really special by the way' I had stood up and was basically yelling.

He actually seemed intimidated by me, 'what was so special?'

'We had sex okay' I exclaimed 'and it was amazing. It was special, at least I thought it was. Blake definitely thought different because he fucking walked away.'

'Okay' he sighed 'let's sit do-'

'No, I love him, and he's away and how I'm worried sick'

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