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'that reckless, ugly girl' his mom scoffed again

'miss' I stepped forward to her 'it's not my fault you left your son and eh now loves me, and not you'

Her hands clamped and her eyes narrowed 'bitch'.

I stared at her, what was she trying to achieve with calling me that?

'you know what' she turned around 'coming here was a mistake' she yelled and then walked away.

I couldn't help but smirk a little bit, she got what she deserved.

Suddenly I felt 2 arms wrapping arms my waist and a head burying in my shoulder.


'hey' I exclaimed as I whispered 's he's gone okay, and I don't think she'll come back'

He mumbled what but I couldn't understand it. I just held him close to me and brushed my hands through his hair.

'I love you okay' I whispered 'even because you lied about this'

'sorry about that I just-' he whispered but stopped

'you don't have to explain it now, just when you're ready' I smiled as he stood straight again.

His eyes where looking down again. they where brown again and I even saw emotion. He was hurt, which was understandable.

'everything is going to be okay' I smiled at him as I wiped away the tears that where still on his face.

'can we go to your house?' he asked

'of course baby' I smiled, grabbed his hand and walked with him to his car.

Eh didn't say much, he was probably still a bit overwhelmed about what just happened. I was to, I never knew what was going on and in less than 10 minutes I found everything out, I saw Blake crying and the mom basically hates me, that's a lot.

Because Blake's car is an old truck it has a sofa and I can sit directly next to him.

'please stay close to me' he mumbled

'always' I whispered. He places his hand on my leg, I put my arms around that arm and put my head on his shoulder.

The drive to my house was pretty long, almost 10 minutes. We didn't say much the whole time, but I think just being there was enough.

'mom, Blake's is eating with us' I yelled as soon as we walked in

'okay' she smiled and walked to us. 'everything okay?' she asked, probably because Blake's face was sad and he held my hand as if his life depended on it.

'yeah, we're just going to my room' I smiled at her

'okay sweeties' she smiled back.

We both went up the stairs to my room. I laid on the bed,

'can I borrow a sweater?' Blake asked

'sure, most of them are yours anyway' I mumbled and watched him take one of his sweaters and put it on.

He then crawled on the bed. he laid next to me, put his arms around me and his head on my shoulder.

'do you want to talk about it?' I asked as I brushed my hand through his hair.

'I just can't believe where she got the nerve to even come here' he mumbled

'because she left you when you were six right?' I asked

'yes' he played with the hem of my shirt


'so my dad used to be a lawyer. Eh was pretty good so he had a lot of money. My mom and dad them met, got married and had me. my dad then got really sad, almost depressed. he then stopped as a lawyer and started a garage because that's where his heart is. My mom then left my dad, I later found out it was because she couldn't spend as much money as she wanted too' he explained.

'so she's basically a gold digger?' I mumbled

'yes, basically' he stated. 'my dad told me she has had 2 other husbands, I thought she was married to one now but I guess he didn't have money left as well'

I nodded and looked down at him, 'and your dad? How did he handle it?'

'he found comfort in dating' Blake told me. 'my dad is just like me, he doesn't show his emotion that much. He never told me how he felt or comforted me, he's a pretty emotionless man. But after a while he started dating and found this woman who he is now engaged to'

'really?' I asked surprised

'yeah, she has 2 kids' he told me

'do they live with you?'

'no, her house is in a different school district and because my dad didn't want me to change schools they basically have 2 houses' he told me

'can your dad afford that?' I frown

'his fiancée is a doctor so she helps paying the house'

'do you like her?' I asked

'she's not that bad. It's hard to see her as a mother because my own mother is like she is.' He mumbled

'I get that, but do you see her a lot?'

'only when they stay at our house, or birthdays, or holidays' he said.

I nodded and brushed my hands through his hair. I let out a breath as I think about what happened.

'did you mean everything you said?' I randomly asked

'I'm guessing the part where I said that you helped me without knowing you did?' he looked up

'yes' I let out a chuckle

'I meant all of it' he smiled

I smile and let out a dry laugh, 'do you know that when we just started talking and the lying thing didn't even happen. I was laying in my bed, smiling like an idiot because I was talking to you. I knew that there was some part of you that was broken and I promised myself that I would fix you'

He chuckled and pulls me closer to him.

'you did that' he whispered and planted a kiss in my neck.

'you fixed me'

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