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A miracle happened.

My friend group is friends with Blake and his friends, well not besties but let's just say that they talk normally to each other. Because we are friends we easily became very popular. It's not very different, people just look at you different, plus people are much nicer to you. also, Peter, Blake, Julian and Brendon sit with us at the sofa place in the school, which is also a miracle.

For the rest, nothing really happened. I would consider me and Peter friends because we talk everyday about a lot of stuff but not more than that. He has also picked me up to go to school, I don't really know why. He just told me he was bringing me to school.

'I hate art history' I pouted as I stood up when the bell rang.

'well I hate school and look where I am' Blake also stood up

'that' I frowned 'made no sense'

'don't you know' he put his hand on my shoulder 'I, myself, make no sense'

'that, mister Bloomingdale, is true' I pointed out which made Alison and Sophie laugh.

'bye bitches' I snapped my finger, turned around and walked over to peter who I have art history with.

'sassy much' Peter commented and I smirked while rolling my eyes.

We stepped in the busy hallways to the classroom which was on the other side of the school, very convenient.

'you guys really have like, a click or something' Peter commented.

'who?' I asked grabbing the straps of my backpack, like I always do.

'you and Blake' he said.

'I guess' I shrugged 'I mean we're just friends'

'just that?' it felt like he was fishing for something, who would he do that?

'yeah we're just friends. I mean it feels like we have known each other for a decade when it's just less than month, but it's nothing more than that' I told him and he nodded.

'okay, well Blake's lucky to have you as a friend' he stated,

'well than you are lucky too' I smiled.

'huh?' he rose an eyebrow.

'I'm your friend dumbass' I scoffed and e chuckled,

'I guess I am lucky then'.

We entered the classroom and sat down. He was next to me and because we were very early we started talking.

'okay, I'm going to ask you a question and you need to answer yes or no' he said and I nodded.


'do you like Flowers?' he asked

I laughed at his question, this isn't what I expected. I answered nonetheless 'yes'.

'so you like walks in the parc?'

'of course' I scoffed

'only yes and no, miss Hastings' he corrected me, I laughed and mumbled a "sorry" before looking up at him again.

'do you like cinnamon rolls?'

'no' I shook my head while saying it.

'how-' he frowned which made me chuckle 'do you like Cupcakes?'

'yes' who doesn't like cupcakes, am I right?

'do you like fancy over casual?' he asked

'yes' I answered not really knowing where this was going. What is he asking me? what has this to do with getting to know me? huh?

'do you like hot chocolate?' he asked

'yes' I answered again, who doesn't like hot chocolate?

'are you free this Saturday?' he asked.

'yes?' I frowned. What was he asking? What is he fishing for? I don't understand this?

'would you want to go on a date with me then?' he smirked.

I was kind of flabbergasted by his question, of all the questions in the world I didn't expect this. I mean he's cuter and shit but I have never though about going on a date with him. I mean, we only know each other for a week, isn't that like really short. But I guess I should just do it? I mean, you only live once right?

'it's okay if you say no' his smirk disappeared.

'no' I shook my head and smiled a little 'and yes'

'really' he said excited and I nodded my head.

'well, I'll pick you up at 3 at your house. Oh and wear something fancy' he told me.

'what's with your family and dominating, you can ask me you know' I said with a bit of sarcasm, I was also serious because I'm not really the type to force.

'I'll think about the next time' he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

The teacher then came in and I looked at her as she explained a whole lot of stuff. Wasn't listening, my head was with Peter.

Do I like him? I mean he is completely my type. He's nice, he's sweet, he has asked me how I was every day. He's basically perfect. Still I have never thought about him in a I- want-to-date-you kind of way. But now that I think about it, I kind of like it.

I mean, first of all he can eb the one to help me get over Blake, which I really need to do. I'm like 80% over him but I just can't jump over the last 20%. Maybe Petr will help me jump and then I just see hi as a friend and laugh at the thought of us being together, me and Blake. I mean, Peter is the perfect guy to help me do that, he's perfect.

So that's the plan then.

Mission "Make Peter My Boyfriend" is in action ladies and gentlemen.

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