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As Alison told us, Peter was the new guy in the school. he's in one of my classes so I had plenty time to study him.

He has brown hair which was just as massy as I like. He had glasses which made him 10 times cuter, his smile was amazing. When he introduced himself he made the whole class laughed, which never happens. He had one grey jeans and a red sweater, oh and he had Vans on which is always a plus.

Because I was in the back and the seat next to me was clear he sat there. we didn't say much, just smiled and focused on the lesson. Of course that was hard because, he's freaking hot.

After class I walked to my locker where I changed my books.

'hello neighbor' the person next to my locker said when I closed mine. Peter.

'hello Peter Cassidy' he smiled

'how do y- oh' I chuckled at his comment.

'I'm Christina Hastings, but everyone calls me Chrissy' I told him and he nodded.

'Blake told me about you' he said and I blinked confused.

'Blake talks about me?' I asked genuinely confused.

'yes, he told me to not drop my pen around you because you will awkwardly hold my hand longer than your supposed to' he said and I shook my hand laughing. This is so typically Blake.

'yeah the first time we met I gave him his pen an di accidently did that' I told him and he laughed.

'this may be a weird question but can you show me around a bit?' he asked.

'of course' I grabbed the straps of my backpack and walked with him around the school.

'so here is the library, but only the quiet people go here' he pointed at the library

'what's wrong with quiet people?' he frowned

'nothing, it's just a fact. Plus I'm not really the person to go there' I told him


'first of all if I go anywhere, it's with my friends. and my friends aren't that quiet. Second of all, I'm very clumsy so I'll probably accidently push over a table over or something' I told him and he laughed.

'well then I should probably not go there' he said

'why?' I asked now

'one time I went to a jewelry store to buy a necklace for my mom, I bumped into a table thing that was full of diamonds. So the whole store was filled with diamonds, luckily nothing broke but I'm definitely not going back there any time soon' he said an di laughed.

So he's telling me he bought a necklace form his mom, he's nice and caring. What a perfect boy.

'anyway, here we have my favorite hang out place. The school just decided to put some sofa's here, no reason. But I really like it so you'll find me here almost every lunch break' I told him

'it's cool, my old school didn't have these sorts of things' he said

'what was your old school like?'

'let's just say the nickname was jail' eh said and I chuckled


'we had to wear uniforms. we had to be on time if we weren't we had detention for a month. If you failed a class you were forced to be at school the whole day to get your grade up'

'I think I get the nickname' I frowned and shook my head

'I know'

'isn't that like illegal, isn't there a law for that sort of stuff?' I looked up but he shook his head 'well you're probably glad you are out of there'

'yes I am' he sighed.

We kept walking through the whole school until we saw my friends.

'hello people, this is Peter. The new guy' I said and all 3 people looked back at us.

'we where wondering where you where' Mike stood up and gave Pater a hand. 'I'm Peter Cabello, nice to meet you'

'I'm Peter Cassidy, nice to meet you too'.

Alison and Sophie also introduced themselves.

'so how do you like the school?' Sophie asked extremely blinking her eyes.

'I like it better, I'm glad we can just wear our own clothes' he said.

'yeah, I really like that too. it gives everyone an own identity' I said and I felt an arm wrapping around my shoulder.

'I told you she was smart' we all looked up at Blake who pushed a bit to the side so he could sit on the bench next to me.

'you talk about her' Mike said and gave me the look, you know which one I mean.

'I do, I had to tell him which people are cool' Blake said innocent an di rolled my eyes at the way my friends looked at me.

'again, you weren't lying, you guys are all very cool' Peter said and I smiled.

'Thanks Peter' I smiled at him.

'you know what guys' Blake removed his arm that was still around my shoulders. 'why don't we all go to that little coffee shop nearby, I can invite Brendon and Julian too'

'do they have to come?' Sophie pouted

'yes why don't you want them to come?' Blake raised an eyebrow

'because I can't stand them' she said confidently.

'they're just like me, even better I would say' Blake said

'call the papers ladies and gentleman' I stated 'Blake is complimenting someone'

'shut up' Blake rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

'seems like a good idea to me' Peter said and we all nodded.

'after school, at the coffee shop' Blake stood up again.

'you should really learn how to ask someone' I looked up at him

'I will never learn that and you know that' he tapped the tip of my nose and I scrunched my face.

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