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That weekend I had the house to myself. It almost my dad's birthday and as early birthday present my mom gave him a weekend away, this weekend. Bella decided to stay the weekend at a friends house, and now I have the house for myself.

Mike, Alison and Sophie stayed over from Friday to Saturday but because our parents think we're to young to stay the whole weekend they had to go home. yeah.. we're not fond of it either.

I let out a long, deep breath as I look up at the ceiling. Nothing special up there.

'what are you going to do now?' I asked myself.

Of course I could call Blake. But if I say that I have the whole house to myself he probably wants to make out all night, and I don't want that.

How much I love making out with him. I'm more a girl of chilling together. You know, watching a movie together, baking together, snuggle, that kind of stuff.

I jumped at the sound of my phone. someone was calling me. I looked over and saw that it was Blake.

Speaking of the devil..

'mister Bloomingdale' I picked up the phone

'hey Christina'

'what's up?' I asked

'so I may or may not have seen on your Instagram that your home alone' he mumbled.

I closed my eyes, disappointed in myself.

'and?' I stretched the word out.

'I'm bored' he stated 'can I come over'

'k' is literally all I said

'see you' he seemed excited and hung up the phone.

It was not that I didn't want him to come over. I mean I'm freaking head over heels about him. he just probably wants to make out and I'm not really in the mood for that.

After about 10 minutes the bell rang. I stood up and realized that I was in a pair of track suit bottoms that are 2 sizes to big and a hoodie, not the most fancy outfit.

'fuck' I cursed in myself.

'are you going to open the door?' Blake yelled through the door

'ehm, in a sec' I yelled back and ran up the stairs.

He has seen me in my "lazy outfit" but that just includes my best sweater and a pair of jeans. He has never seen me without make up and in my chill outfit. I'm not ashamed for the way I look but I'm also not comfortable to show him this side of me.

Eventually I will, of course. Just not now.

After I put op mascara in a record time I rand own the stairs and opened the door.

'that took long' he frowned as he turned around.

'yeah..' I pressed my lips together and looked at him.

'w hat did you do?' he frowned, gosh he knows me well.

'nothing' I shook my head and walked to the living room.

'yes' he walked behind me

'I didn't do anything that you care about' I turned around as I walked

'I care about everything you do' he told me

'ahw' I stopped 'that was actually pretty cute'

'I can be cute' I said then pursed his lips 'if I want to'

'well that please be more cute cause I like it' I smiled and sat on the bank, legs crossed.

'not before you told me what you did' he sat next to me

'ugh' I exclaimed, looking up 'fine. I changed in.. better clothes'

'what were in before?' he kept asking

'sweats and a hoodie' I pushed my lips to the side.

'really, I love girl in sweats and a hoodie' he exclaimed

'don't lie' I scoffed

'believe me, comfortable girls are so much hotter than those sluts in dresses that are to short' he widened his eyes

'then why did you fuck them?' I smiled

He didn't say anything, probably not knowing what to say back.

'I'm kidding, I love that you just said that. It's cute' I laughed

'fuck you' he rolled his eyes and leaned back in the corner

'I love you too' I smiled wide and uncrossed my legs so I could lean against him.

'sure' he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

For a while we didn't say anything. it wasn't uncomfortable, nothing ever is uncomfortable with him.

'so Christina' Blake said after a while.

'hmm..' I made some weird noise

'what would you label us?' he asked.

'hmm..' I made the same noise as I looked up at him. which made my head land on his lap.

'cause if it was me I would know it' he put a piece of my hair behind my ear

'hmm.. and what is that?' I could resist to make a little smirk

'well if you want to know it so bad I would like to ask you a question' also smirked a little

'you can't blame me, I'm a curious person' I chuckle

'well, Christina Hastings, would you perhaps possible maybe be my girlfriend?'

'I could work with that' I pursed my lips

'is that a yes I hear?' he asked

'maybe' I shrugged, smiling of course because I really want to.

'yeah' he said gave me a kiss and smiled the biggest smile he has ever smiled.

'you should smile more' I comment, very amused by his smile. 'it fits you'

'that's too bad then because I do it a lot' he made an angry face

'that's why I am telling you to do it more' I sat up from his lap

'I thought you where the person who doesn't like to be bossed around?' he asked as I turned and looked at him

'I never said anything about being the boss' I gave him a fast kiss and stood up to walk to the kitchen.

I could hear Blake laugh as I walked away.

'so mister boyfriend, so you want anything to eat? Drink?' I yelled from the kitchen

'I would like anything you have miss girlfriend' he says, walking in the kitchen.

'okay' I filled 2 glasses with coke and grabbed cookies my mom made and put on a plate.

'here you go mister boyfriend'

'thank you miss girlfriend'

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