"Well, I'm just going to say a quick hi to Kook, I guess I can meet you after?"

"Thank you Yoongi! Meet me in my room, my names on my door" Tae smiles nervously before running off.

Okay then...

Yoongi then faces the door before him, he knocks twice before a small 'enter' is heard.

Yoongi enters the room, and is welcomed by a familiar scent. Apples and burning wood, an odd concoction, yoongi knows, yet the divine scent made yoongi feel warm and relaxed.
Jungkooks scent, a scent yoongi would soon become mad for, or at least he hoped so.

"Kookie?" Yoongis small voice broke the tense silence of the room.

Yoongi walked closer to the large desk that sat next to the window, it was an L-shaped desk made from dark wood.
Jungkook sat behind the desk facing his computer screen opposite from yoongi, his face scrunched up in either frustration or confusion.

Yoongi walked around the desk standing directly beside Jungkook. Yet the alpha still didn't acknowledge his presence.

"Kookie?" Yoongi asks, placing his hand softly on Jungkooks shoulder.

"Yoongi?" Jungkook quickly closes the tab and spins his chair to face yoongi.
"When did you get in here?" Kook asks, a small blush dusting his cheeks.

"Like a minute ago, you were too focused on the screen to notice me" yoongi subconsciously pouts at the end of his sentence.
The simple action drove Jungkooks alpha mad, he wanted to pull yoongi down and claim him right there.

Control yourself.

"You okay Kookie? You look angry?" Yoongi asks innocently, leaning in to rest both hands on Jungkooks shoulders so he could face the alpha properly.

Jungkook stopped and thought, just for little over a second.
Fuck it...
"I'm fine peach, now-" Jungkook cut his own sentence off before placing his large hands on yoongis small waist.
Yoongi barely had time to react before he was quickly pulled into Jungkooks lap, straddling him.

Yoongis face was beyond red. A blazing Fire was the only colour that could describe yoongis cheeks.

"Kook- what- I-I mean.. why-" yoongi broke into a stuttering blushing mess, his hands resting gently on Jungkooks chest. A result of him being pulled down so quickly.

"Yoongi" Jungkook cooed in a soft, calming voice.


"I wanna ask you something, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so feel free to say no, okay?" Jungkook asks, rubbing soothing circles into the anxious omegas hips.

Yoongi nods, his face not cooling at all.

"I know I can't mark you, or claim you, but I would like to scent you, that way the other alphas know that you are mine." Jungkooks deep voice caused goosebumps to rise on yoongis skin.
This felt so intimate, and yet so comfortable.

Yoongis never been one for kissing, or intimacy.
As an omega  he was regarded as a means of reproduction.
Just a good bitch to be used by an alpha.
He was used to sexual and dirty words being against him, not that he ever understood them, he was terribly uneducated when it came to "mating" and stuff.

However Jungkook never was like that. Jungkook was patient, and sweet.
He asked yoongi before making  any moves, and always complied with his choices.

"Peach?" Jungkook sang softly, lulling yoongi from his thoughts.

Yoongi nodded sheepishly, feeling both embarrassed yet adored.

"Use your words peach," Jungkook whispered lowly directly into yoongis ears. The action caused a shiver to crawl up yoongis spine.

"Y-yes... y-you can scent m-me" yoongi whispered, afraid his voice would break the beautiful atmosphere around them.

"Okay love, just relax" Jungkook then proceeded to place his nose into the crook of yoongis neck, basking in the Omegas sweet scent. Yoongi threw his head back slowly to give the alpha better access to his scent glands.

Jungkook gently nuzzled his face deeper into yoongis slender neck, his nose grazing the area he hoped to mark in the future.
The omega shivered at this action, stopping himself from releasing a moan. 

Jungkook started to release his scent, gently mixing it with yoongis.
The intimate moment is only enhanced by the beautiful mix of the twos scents.
Apple and wood mixing with peaches and cherries, a very sweet smell with a warm aftertone.

Jungkook continued to rub himself all over yoongis scent glands, making double sure that it's covered in his scent.
Just before Jungkook raises his head, he places a light kiss on yoongis collar bone.
After the build up of such a steamy moment, yoongi couldn't help but whine at the contact, in turn Jungkook released a low, possessive growl.


That's the end of the chapter!
This was kinda awkward to write and I can just cringe at my own writing 😅
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!
Also! Feel free to correct any of my spelling or grammar errors! I do edit and double check each chapter, but y'know, I'm human and continue to make mistakes 😂 I realised in the cast chapter I said Jin was a "veg good cook" or something like that
And I just can't help but laugh 😂

Word count : 1407


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