going back to school...

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Twins Pov

  When we got home...
We ran to our room and locked the door.

We took the key in our room before we locked it.

Mom and dad ran after us but we beat them to our room and we wouldn't let them in.

They were sitting on the other side of the door.

We can't let them in...

"Twins. Please." We hear mom plead.

We want to let them in but we cant.

We can't let them in.

We know there crying on the other side of the door.

It's hard not to cry.

We know we have school the next day. That's the last place we want to be.

And Kate was coming back today. She at a camp thingy.

But we just don't move from the spot.

Mom and dad stay there. It hurts us to hear them sob.
There our parents.

We decide it's best to open the door.
Mom and dad care about us so much. We have to let them in.

We go down stairs. We watch a movie to get our mind off it.

There's a knock on the door.
Roy gets up off the couch.

"I'll get it."

He open the door and Kate walks in. She doesn't know...

We need to talk to her.

We drag her upstairs.

"What's going on?"Kate asks.


Kates Pov
I get back from my camp thingy.

The twins pull me upstairs while mom and dad are down stairs.

"What's up?" I ask.

The twins look away from me.

I wonder what happened while I was gone.

"Our... baby bro..." is all they say before breaking down and they start crying.

They have a baby bro?

Edward walks in and takes me downstairs and we talk.

"Okay so something happened yesterday and..."Edward says.

"Okay so Roy and I had another baby. It was a boy named chris. He died yesterday... we had a car crash but he died in the hospital."Edward says.

I can see tears streaming down his face.

Omg. I should've been here.

Wow. I had a baby bro.
This is so upsetting.

We cry together.

*time skip*

Twins Pov
It's time to go to school.
Mom and dad drop us and Kate off.

Today is gonna suck.
We walk in together and we go to class.

The only thing we can think of is our bro.

Roy Mustang X Edward Elric  (Full Metal Alchimest)Where stories live. Discover now