Car Crash😭😭😭

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Time skip 1 year

Twins Pov
Were at home while mom and dad take Chris to a doctor's appointment.

Chris is one years old.
He had to get shots or something.

And the phone was on the table incase mom or dad need to call us or we need to call them.

We got off the couch to get a bowl of ceral.

Today was a normal day. A sunny day but something didn't feel right.

We shrugged it off and ate our ceral while we watched cartoons.

A few hours have passed and mom and dad aren't home yet...

We decide to play outside cause it's such a nice day out.

We play on our play ground only we can see. We just sit there thinking.

The wind is strong and the leaves fall from the trees.

We begin to wonder what's taking mom and dad so long to get here.

Everything was fine.
The day was nice but mom and dad weren't here yet.

We open the door to let the dog play in the backyard.

We decide to draw pictures for mom and dad when they get back home.

We drew a picture of chris. Then we drew pictures of mom and dad.

We let the dog back inside and we sat down.

Ugh. It's so boring with just us.

Then the phone rings.
We dash to answer. It never rings only on emergencys.

"T-twins?"mom said into the phone.

"Yea?"we said in reply

They sounded like they were crying. But why?

"We got i-i-into a c-car crash." Mom said while crying harder.

We couldn't process this. OMG.

"Are you okay?!?!"we yelled into the phone. This can't be happening.

"W-well...'' mom said trying to be calm.

"Well?!?!" We said worried.

"When we get home don't freak out. We are okay. J-just wait a bit longer and we W-well be home."

This must be really bad. They got in a crash!!!
They better get here soon.

Something is telling us this isn't gonna be good.

We wait about thirty minutes and a crying mom and dad walk in.

We ran up to them and gave them hugs.

"Where's baby bro Chris?"we ask noticing they didn't bring him in with them.

They looked at each other then they looked back at us.

WHAT IS GOING ON. I wish they would tell us.

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