Chapter 23

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Edwards POV
I was woken up from a ... weird dream...
"Dad wake up!", the twins shouted in both my ears.
"I'm up I'm up." They giggled a lot and got off me. I looked beside me where Roy was supposed to be. He wasn't there I think he might be in the kitchen I go into the girls room where they were playing there X.U. gaming system together. I went to the kitchen he wasn't there.
"ROY?!" I shout from the kitchen. "Girls have you seen your mother?" As I walk upstairs."he was gone when we got up we thought you knew where he was."
Amiyah said. Panic set in.

   Roys POV
It hurt I don't know why but my body hurt all over. It was dark I felt stone floor wedged beneath me. I heard a door open I was tied to the wall. I couldn't move I didn't have my gloves and my hands were bound together. My feet hurt as well as my stomach.
Then a tall man and a little girl came walking up to me. I instantly knew who it was it was Scar and Nina. Scar looked at me.
"Oh no we got the wrong person were looking for Bradley your Mustang," said scar. They began to untie me and they let me go. They apologized and they took me back home. I was happy to be back home.
When Edward saw me he began to cry in my chest. I had no clue how emotional they were or how worried they where. I told them and they looked frightened. I gave them a hug made dinner and Edward carried the girls up to their rooms they got Pj's on and ran down the stairs from Edward he ran to catch them but he fell down the stairs. They ran to me to give me a hug and they saw ed with a tear in his eye. I went over to him. I knew they wanted to tell me goodnight. I rushed over to the girls they apologized to him and he accepted. Then he went in for a tickle attack. The twins started to giggle than laugh. I couldn't contain my laughter so I burst out laughing they fell to the floor laughing I didn't know they could laugh that much. Then they began to fall asleep from laughing to hard. Ed picked them up in his arms and walked up the stairs. He put them on the top bunk and we gave them a good night kiss on the forehead and they fell fast asleep.

Roy Mustang X Edward Elric  (Full Metal Alchimest)Where stories live. Discover now