How could this happen too me?

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Edwards POV it's been a fun two weeks with the fam.

Just hanging out and having family time.
And yes we went to the park alot. And yes Roy would fall on his face.

Would we help him? Sometimes...

Anyways. We have big plans for the girls.

There always begging us to go to the water park.

So we decided that we would go to the water park.

I will tell the girls about it while Roy packs for the trip.

While I walk up stairs the dog trips me.
I'm fine...

I get to the girls room and sit with them.

"Hey girls guess what?"

"What dad?"

"Guess where we're going!"



They jump around and scream.
There really excited...

*time skip*

At the water park

The girls jump out of the truck and almost fall.

Roy gets the stuff and we decide on which ride to go on.

Then we decide on a really big water slide. It's very steep.

We wait in line for two hours...

When we get up there the guy let's us go.

The maximum at one time is three. So yes the twins go with because why not?

Everything would be fine right?
So as we go down the slide one of the girls fly a little bit.

That is scary.
When she hit the bottom of the slide I rushed to her because she literally flew when your not supposed to.

She was fine though. She was laughing.
I'm like how the heck was that funny?!

Then we go up these stairs and I'm wearing flip flops.
Not the best decision.
My flip flop gets stuck while I'm on the slide thingy.

And my shoe decided to abandon me.
So I had one shoe on.

At least I have my other shoe right?
Wrong it Flys off my foot never to be seen again.

This day sucks.
When I get to the bottom Roy is laughing because I told him and he thinks it's funny.

So now my feet burn. Like heck.

How could this happen too me?

It gets worse.
I trip of the edge of something and I scrape my left leg. And now I'm all bloody. And it burns.

I'm in pain I lose my shoes my feet burn. And I'm getting sun burned.


I hope I last the rest of the day with out dying.

Roy Mustang X Edward Elric  (Full Metal Alchimest)Where stories live. Discover now