Random stuff and Ice cream Avalanche

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Amiyahs POV
   The bell rang and my twin and I are standing at our buss stop. And I have big news to tell sis!
Telling mom and dad shouldn't be to hard right?

Our buss arrives and I'm pulled from my thoughts as my twin drags me too our buss.
We sit together just like always ,but Beth stares at me  for some reason.

"Twin why are you blushing? You haven't stopped since the bell rang."she whispered quietly so no one could hear our conversation.

"Well...it's a secret you can't tell anybody!"she nods in agreement as I tell her.

"Well...I have a...girlfriend."I say as I feel my cheeks burning from blushing so much.

"Congrats sis!"she says while she stares out the window.
"Don't tell anybody and let me take care of telling mom and dad."

"Okay sis you got it!"
Then about ten minutes later our buss comes to a stop and our buss driver yells " Elric Twins it's your stop!!"
We jump up out of our seat and walk off the buss and run to mom and dad.
"Dad I missed you!" I said as I hugged dad then Beth did the same.
Roy walks over to us.
"What about me?"he says as he wipes a fake tear from his cheek.

We run into his arms and he gives us a very tight hug.
"We missed you too!!"

  Then we walk inside and we take off our shoes and pet Alexander.

"Hey girls were gonna go to the bank be right b-"Roy says as I do my little happy dance upstairs.

"What th- never mind I don't think I wanna know." Roy says before he walks out the door with Edward.

I look at twin she looks back at me.
"You know what I'm thinking?"I say as our parents drive down the street.

"ICE CREAM!!!''we scream.
Yes we scream for ice cream.

since mom and dad will be gone for a while we grabbed our money and ran to the store closest to home.
We bought a lot of ice cream and we ran back home.

We opened the door and mom and dad were still gone.

I run upstairs doing my happy dance I did in front of Roy only to fall on my face in the last step.

The ice cream was okay! Matter of fact it didn't even touch the ground. I held the box over me head as I yelled for my twin to help me.

I hear Beth running.
She darts up the stairs to where iam.
She grabs the boxes shoves them in the freezer and runs to me.

"I'm gonna help you up. Let's hurry and make sure your face is okay."

Then I felt her help me off the ground and I felt my face.
I felt a liquid running down my face.
Crap it must be blood.

Twin ran all around grabbing rags and paper towels. Cleaning the stairs and helping me with my nose.

We're pretty sure I'm just having a nose bleed cause my nose is fine and it doesn't hurt and we would know if I broke it.

She wiped my face for any blood remaining and she threw the paper towels away.

The stairs were clean and just in time too cause mom and dad walked in the door.

"Twins come down here please!" Dad yells.

We rushed down the stairs almost falling then at the last few steps we fumbled and almost fell but we stopped our selves by floating.

Oh no. Now mom and dad know. What are they gonna think?

"Whoa!"Edward said.

Roy walked over and stared at us in shock.

We couldn't stop our selves form telling them cause they just say it so we tell them we can float.

Then Edward asked us questions.

"Edward!"Roy screams.

"Yes roy?!''Edward yells back.
"I want ice cream!!"

Then Edward walks over to the freezer.

"Okay be right there!"

I guess screaming is how we communicate in this house hold.

He opens the freezer his eyes go wide and ice cream starts to fall out.

"Oh my g-"was all dad could say before a ice cream avalanche happened.

The ice cream was  never ending. It didn't stop.
Dad was getting burried.

"I'M COLD!!!"Edward screamed as he was trying to get the ice cream off but it just kept coming. This here people is a never ending ice cream avalanche.
We have these on a regular basis but never this bad.

Roy walks back into the kitchen to see his husband covered in a ton of ice cream. And it didn't stop.

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