Telling the twins...

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Edwards POV
Everyone is awake. Including the dog.

I'm sitting on the couch while the girls play on the floor.

Roy is making lunch.

And we have decided to surprise the girls after dinner later tonight so the girls will be with me while Roy gets everything ready.

I hope it goes well.

"Lunch is ready!!!"Roy yells as we run to the table to eat the good looking food.

All three girls scarf the food down like the haven't eaten in days. Which we feed them every day so yeah.

Then they run upstairs leaving me and Roy.

"Hey are you ready for tonight?" I ask.

"No..."Roy says as he looks down.

"R-"I say before he runs out the door.

I can't leave the girls here alone so I dash up stairs as fast as I could and grabbed the girls and ran with them to catch up to Roy.

We finally caught up to him.
He was sitting on a swing in the playground.

He looks at me the girls.
He smiles at them and tells them to go play.

"Okay...Roy are you ok?"

"Ed... it's just..."

"Roy you can tell me anything you know that."
After I say that I hold Roys hand.

Then I look up into his eyes.

"I...know Ed... it's just scary..."

"What's scary? Telling the twins?"

"Well...kind of  Ed..."

Then we talk it out and he's happy again.

Then all three girls come running up to us.

"Dad will you and Mom play tag with us?"

Roy and I look at each other then we start running.

Roy is it and the twins want me to carry them.

We're hiding in the giant park. Waiting...

Then Roy whips around the slide tags Kate and she runs after me.

I run as fast as I can.

After a few hours and family time we go back home because it's dark outside.

Roy trips over a rock and falls on his face.
I'd like to know how these things happen.

I help him up and the girls hug him.
His face is scratched but not bad.

We reach our house and I help Roy with his scrape.
Then he starts to make dinner.

The girls wrestle in the floor while I turn the light on. Then I plop myself on the couch and watch.

Also thinking of what we're gonna tell the girls while we eat.

Kate pins down Amiyah and she is struggling to get up but she calls for her twin for help.

Then both twins tackle kate.
They pin her for three seconds. They give high fives as they say there good games.

"Time for dinner!" Roy calls to us.

Each of us get a plate and we start to eat.

When everyone is sitting in silence Roy begins to speak.

"Okay so Edward and I have a surprise to tell you girls okay?..."

"Okay mommy! What is it?"

""Roy says but pauses.

"Im....Gonna have a....BABY!!!!!"Roy shouts with excitement.

The girls aren't happy I can tell but they put on smiles for Roy I can see it.

"Are you girls happy?"Roy asks.

"Sure!"all three of them yell.

Then they run upstairs all upset.

I run after them. Roy is upset cause the girls are.

I run into their room while they're crying.

"Girls...why are you crying?this is a good thing."

"'s. ..n-not..." they say.

"Why is it not a good thing?"

"Cause we don't want another sibling our family is perfect  the way it is! Right?!"the girls say.

I look away from them. I start to tear up because Roy and I wanted another kid to make them happy... I guess we failed.

Then the twins gave me a hug and we cried together tell we fell asleep.

Roy Mustang X Edward Elric  (Full Metal Alchimest)Where stories live. Discover now