4th of July😃😀😆

22 2 19

Edwards POV
Roy was making breakfast while afterwards the twins, Kate, and I are gonna go get fire works and food for dinner.

I need to wake up the girls so they can eat and we can leave.

So I walk upstairs and I don't fall.

I go into the girls room and wake up Kate first because she's on the bottom bunk.

She gets up and dashes downstairs to eat.

Now to wake up the twins.
I climbed up the ladder and woke them up.

*skip eating break fast*

"Okay girls are you ready to go?" I ask them.


So then I get in the truck help the girls in and we're off to buy fire works.

When we get there some of the fireworks are sold out.

I let the girls pick out things.

Okay so after the pick put the things they want um...
I spent five hundred dollars!
Hope Roy doesn't get angry.

We load all the fire works into the truck and the girls get in.

Then I drive to A grocery store to get hotdogs and things Roy needs to make dinner.

After spending an hour we get everything we need.

Then Kate drives the cart and runs my foot over. Gosh dang it hurt.


Then Kate gives me a hug.
I know she didn't mean too.

Then we make it to the check out and I spent one hundred and fifty dollars. Maybe Roy might not kill me.

Then we load in the stuff and drive home.

When we get back Roy has decorated the house and backyard.

He even decorated the picnic table.

He started to make the food.

The girls played tag.

It was starting to get a bit darker so it was time to set off fire works my favorite part.
And we got a lot of fireworks so..

I hope I don't light myself on fire unlike last year...

I start lighting fireworks and it goes well.

Then I stop for a bit to eat with the fam.

Then the girls and Roy bring out the rest of the fireworks.

I didn't realize how much we got.

So as I went to light one of the fireworks it fell over and shot at me and the twins and we were screaming and running. It didn't hit the twins. It didn't hit Roy. It almost hit me! He could this happen too me?
I almost died.


The girls got on my back as Kate lit off some fire works while I ate a hotdog.
It was kind of hard to do with my children on my back but it was okay.

I almost died from eating a hot dog.
How could this happen to me.

Then it's my turn to light fireworks again and I got up really quickly and the twins literally flew off my back and hit the ground.

Today is not my day.

I help them and they're okay.
We that's what they told me.

After we lit all the fire works we decided to go swiming.

Our pool is awesome because it has rainbow lights.

I pick up the twins and throw them in the pool.
Then Roy pushes me in.

I grabbed him and he fell on me hurting my back but I'm okay.
How come I'm the one always getting hurt?
I would like to know.

After a few hours in the pool it's time for bed.

Roy Mustang X Edward Elric  (Full Metal Alchimest)Where stories live. Discover now