Chapter 13 Nightmare again.

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Amiyahs POV
I was stuck in the dream again. I could hear loud screams and foot steps growing near.
I'm outside and there are loud screams.
Then it got dead silent.
I looked around the porch.
What I saw was something that scared me alot. Me dad Edward was dead lying on the porch all bloody.  His arm had cuts all over. His neck was covered in blood.
He's covered in a giant pool of blood under his legs.
Now it was only me and my sister now, how would we survive all alone?
I saw the dog across from father lying there lifeless. Paws all bloody along with his back he has been stabbed . Who did this?!
Then I woke up breathing heavy screaming for mom and dad and beth. Beth was sleeping next to me with a worried look. That look frightened me. Mom and dad rushed to us all scared and panicked.
I told them every thing they told me that would happen. I wish I could believe them I'm to scared.

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