What's All Wrong - Part Eight

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Part Eight:

Let us continue from yesterday shall we?

Before we begin, how about you tell of today and what went wrong.

The other day I talked to Matrina, she said that my friends think I’m selfish and all I talk about are my problems. Today I noticed that I do, as a docked for.

How does this push towards what’s wrong

In the morning I told two people I picked up about my problems with my girlfriend. Well, not with her but her parents.

Next I talked to Luey and started with a complaint

Later that day we talked at lunch like that as well.

In one of my last classes of the day I spoke to another best friend and asked for their opinion.

I complain a lot to Boni (my girlfriend) but really

… That’s how I write to.

Which leads us to go onto specifics!

Writing is a passion of yours yes?

Yes, most defiantly

Do you believe you write more positively or negatively?

When I write poetry I try to write positive but for the most part it ends up being negative.

I’m known for my negative writing rather than my positive.

Most people either relate to my problems or understand what I’m saying when I’m sad rather than happy.

Do you believe what’s all wrong with you may have an impact on these people?


Is that ‘wrong’?

I guess not considering people can relate and or it touches someone in a way. I really don’t know. I’ve never really talked to a fan of mine.

Especially since my friends I talk to in person don’t read my work. They just know it exist.

Based on what you’ve told us today name the category that you dealt with today.


What wrong with your friends?

I have too many different kinds


Over exceed

Best friend

Trustworthy friend

Good friend

For the time being friends


And people I know

Cut short?


Till next time.

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