P: June 8 2012

11 1 4

Don’t you dare cry…

In my presence.

Don’t let those tears shed from your eyes

I don’t want to see you frown

Embrace me for the moment.

For this is all that I can do…

I wish I could do more

I wish I could hold you close forever.

You tell me that it hurts

All I can do

Is nod and assure that it’ll be okay

Your self-conscious

The agonizing pierce you do with your eyes

"Save me" they say dripping at my heart. 

That’s the request that I wish I could fulfill

But I’m sorry to say…

That it doesn't work that way

Not here

All I can do for you is smile

And hope that you can get through

Because no one else

Can help you

With the situation you’re in

All I can do is persuade you

There’s nothing else

You’re not in control

Don’t take it out on yourself

Give me that knife

Those Scissors

Take that tac away

Those papers


I have to say I don’t trust you

Forcing me to hold your hand til’ then.


 What am I supposed to do?

All I ever have is you


Who else?

I’m confused?

Why me?


It’s not your fault

All I can say

Is that it’s happening

And you learn to live

You learn

To be happy

With what you have.


I don’t want anything physical

All I want is for them is to get over it

Don’t they realize that it’s hurting me?


Of course not. There’s nothing that they see



Are these situations, happening

Do I have to go through this?

What is the consequence?

Take yourself

Learn who are

Do what you can

You’re not in control

All I can say

Is this to you,

I don’t want….


To cry…

Hold your head up high

Refuse to back down

Write your feelings down

Sing out to your heart’s content

But only cry in happiness

Don’t you dare cry.

When you see them fight

Tell me what you want to say

If you could change them

That would be phanominal 

It’s not your fault

Don’t cry

Place that smile on your face.

 -Redone June 25. 2014-

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