P: A Soothing Battle T: Hopeful

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I've come so far to do this 

I can't wait I'm excited 

Self conscious as I am 

Who knew that I could be so delighted 

Full od panic the night before 

But now I'm confident 

Even if I don't get her on the dance floor 

The fact that we'll be together 

Means all the more 

All the effort I've put into this 

What else can I afford 

To do to make it the night in a while 

And so much more 

There isn't a rule book 

That I can go through 

That'll tell 

Excatly how to live today

So I'm left thinking this as well 

Last minute preparations

Get ready, Let's go 

All this for some determination 

Simple and yet this works 

Tonight will be the night for me 

In a million nights from the past 

I'll do what I can before it's too late 

To keep her in my grasp 

All together 

I'll hold her close 

Even if it's only for this moment 

Let's make sure not to boast 

There's only one chance. 

And tonight is the night

I have my fingers crossed

Act natural 

At all cost 

I'll have to get her to look at me 

One more time if any-

thing I can do 

I want to make sure we do 

Because this is the only night that I have 

Left to court you 

With all of my might

I'll do what I can 

Hold you tight but not took tight to slip out og hand 

Please be mine 

I won't beg 

But I wouldn't mind 

For tonight

Is the only chance

That I have left 

To have you in my arms once again 

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