P: Triggered Memories T:Scarred

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My heart pounds to the beat of memories. 

Drums being the metronome 

Trumpets blaring

Songs glaring

At the memories of nights

My heart sings me a song that dares to bring to life the love that once was 

There's no doubt in this love

There's non way that it's for 

A puppy lost on its way to home 

This is true

And it holds

What nothing else can 

Go back

This is love

Another pound

The memories of lights

Of screams 

Of frights

The love you have

Never let go 

Together you were

How dare you deter 


Why do you leave 

You both love

Yet hate

You want to let go 

But in the same motive

Doesnt that go to show

That your love is true

There you dare not fright

That it is love

Skip a beat

For the pounding means that you do

The memories ring in your ears

Blur your sight

Ignite you heart

You love her

Don't you?

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