P: Questioning The 'Try' T: Unfaithful

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I have this fantasy

That maybe

We’ll work out



Why should I do this

Why should I try

It’s not like you stepped out

I told myself that I would fight you

Only once and that’s because

I want to fight for you

For you to be by my side


If I should

Try for you

You have to try for me

Problems arise

I want to fix us

But it requires us both

I have you now

A friend to speak to

But I’m too young for this

I don’t want to put this effort

Into trying anymore

I want someone to try for me

Today, for now

I’ll try for you

I’ll try to discuss with you

But there’s only so much effort

And I know that we can work

But the problems arise just as fast

As they come

These tears won’t last

Me years

In fact

I should sober up

I have these false thoughts

I don’t know what brought them together

Why should I bother with this?

Because I have hope

Because I try

Because I don’t want to give up

I’m too young

To chain myself

Right now

But I feel this urge to make us right

Right here

Right now

And for later

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