P: Culturing You T: Annoyed

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It never is because

I don’t love you so 

It is only due to 

The way you want to show 

How you love me

Culture dismissal

The words “I love you”

Area sisal. 

Cutting into me as you argue over anything

I didn’t know I’d have a problem this bad 

For this long 

The truth is that I love you 

And the words have lost their meaning 

For other people because of you 

And how you’ve started the bleeding

I can turn to someone and say “I love you”

Without a second thought 

Because to me, they’re words of care

But they are attention sought 

I do not love them in a way 

To where marriage would be the result

Even though that is what it is used for 

I throw it out almost as if it’s an assault 

The words in your culture are a knife

They dare you to say 

Good bye

It was hard enough for me to accept this 

But now as you continue your strides

The aggravation welled up inside me

How far are you willing to go?

Fine. I’ll stop saying 

“I love you”

My last request?

Leave me alone.

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