P: The Explination T: Contemplating

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Different approaches for every situation

Some people hold secrets

Others expose

My life is about exposure

I see it in these eyes

Than what secrets can derive?

I’m all about exposure

If anyone read about my life

Then they’d see events, with different names

But they’d know why

I used to vent every day

I’d complain and complain

But then I realized what am I doing

I’m not living?

These complains are only statements

Why don’t I do something for a change

Because I wanted to hide I stepped out

I forced myself into society

I hung out with the people I didn’t like,

I learned how to think like the enemy  

For all they know, we were friends

And at first they were just reactants

But then their titles were earned, which made them excited

I expelled myself from what I didn’t like

Then I went onto the next

Writing away every day

To let people know what I missed

I forced myself into pain

So that no one else could control

Who I was I decided

No ‘click’ could ‘click’ me in place

Which cause a problem

But the exposure showed

That I can create what hurts me

With every entry

And every poem

Every song

And every moment

I learned, in my own way, to expose

To the people who want to hear you

Online poetry, with thousands or reads,

Showed me that thousands care

I am not alone

And neither are you

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