E: Escalate T: Regretful

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  To think that I've come this far in the day to come up with chapter seven. Phenominal. I'm so amused how my mind rushes and kicks its own gears to force myself to write. Writing is a passion of mine. People believe me. Does anyone know how much I've truly sacrificed to be this talented? Observations. Torment. Neglect. Does anyone know? I have a journal that is half full within three days. I have papers scattered on the table wiht important information. I have a computer that I can access now with ALL the information and ideas from 2012. If any of you know what it's like to lose a usb or multiple usb and then find them. You know my pain. Goodness I'm alive right now. Although, today comes with a price. My heart aches as it reminds me of the people I've neglected. Hopfully tonight I won't have to deal with another nightmare awakening. It's true disaster. I'll go to work tomorrow and get the laptop that I left. Hopefully I only left it and didn't drop it. 

  I need to spend time with my friends. The ones I see. The ones I know that are always there won't get hurt if I don't spend time with them. These ones are already slipping between my fingers. I've regretted my talent to that exent. The world around me disappears and I don't know where I am anymore or where everyone disappeared to. 

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