E: dream (July 27th. 2012)

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  I have no idea what this means but maybe one day if Lustryess remembers or if I can figure out what she meant then I'll be able to tell her. But I'm clearing out our computer at the moment. I asked her if she wanted to read over it later and if I could post it. She's curious and allowed it. 


July 27th 2012

My dream was weird I don’t know what all happened but Noel and I were skipping class?! O_o I was an hour late. It skipped into a different part of the dream. I had to take care of something. I remember wreaking a car with Jennifer too. The boy from the accident was the one I was taking care of at first and then it turned into a tiger I think… I remember just hanging out with Noel at first. There was a stable and Toby was there too. I don’t really know why we were there but I do know that Toby said something to me. And then I went off to join Noel again outside… When I was with the tiger we were playing this game of runaway I guess.. There was an area where it became a gaming field and two slots. One said X something and the other meant the other area that we just left. I do know that I understood that so I threw a nearby rock into it. You weren’t supposed to fall in the holes. When you threw something in it was supposed to help. There was facebook too. I was looking up profiles. I continued to look at Bethany’s and Mackenzie .. I looked up Hannah Howell and Haley Howel… It’s becoming more of a blur but I was doing something with my timeline.

I want to remember the part with Noel more. All I did was hang out with him. I think we hung out and talked but I don’t remember what we talked about. We weren’t even at school. There was a stable and we just kept walking. I remember us going into a building and that’s where we split. I believe it was a library and we had talked about books. The adults there were talking about us and then I think Noel said, “Okay, well I better go to class.” And I nodded and thought that I should too. When I looked up at the clock I had skipped two classes. I don’t know what that part was for but I do know that I was happy about being able to skip two classes with Noel.

Back to the tiger thing… I remember being careful and looking down. There were many holes in which I was supposed to fill with items from both sides and I accidentally put an item from the wrong side in the wrong whole. The place said forest and a flash a black filled the area. The forest that was nearby then was poured down rain.

That’s when I woke up. I usually think about Noel and how much I want to be with him. I don’t dream about anyone most of the time. There was a dream in the past about him. Well, he was there. But it wasn’t very detailed like this one.


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