Chapter 71: safety

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Dahlia pov

I am beginning to know when its the next day,  The nurses come in twice a day, In the morning, and in the night just before visiting hours end.

Which is 8 o clock unfortunately.

Everyday, the others come in, I don't know what day it is, or what time it is, or how long I've been in a coma for, but I have company, its like a schedule.

The visiting hours start at 6 am and end at 8 PM.

At about half 6 (am) Jasper comes to see me,.and then at 7 am Edison takes his place.

Then at 7:30 am Ash comes

Then at 8 am its Jace.

At 8:30 am its Chase

9 am is Eli.

9:30 am its Ajax

And 10 am its Nathan

10:30am its Avery

11am its Link

11:30 am its Cedric

12 PM its lunch so nobody is allowed for another half hour

12:30 PM its Ethan

1 PM its Saffron

And surprising, the old hounds visit me too, which is nice, because they are now hunters.

1:30 PM its Cole

2 PM its Matei

2:30 PM its Chester

3 PM its Darius

3:30 PM its Zoey

4 PM its Evie

And then after then its just whoever really wants to say anything.

It's mostly Alec afterwards though as his 'turn' is at 4:30.

Some days though Ajax doesn't come, Though he tells me that he sometimes has to keep up the work of the gang.

And then I realised that they are all in Manhattan still,.because I am, they are still here because of me.

They should rest and go back to LA But I can't exactly tell them that can i!They drive me insane, but a good type of insane, At least they still love me after I did what I did, Alec will be here soon I think. He brings his guitar sometimes and sings, probably because he thinks I can't hear him, I don't think the others know that Alec can play the guitar nor sing, But he has a beautiful soft voice.

Different from his husky, deep talking voice, but he's talked more now when I'm in a coma than he probably ever has, and for that I'm grateful I got him out of his shell, even in a little bit.

Ajax pov

I can't keep going there, Just looking at her pale face makes me want to kill whoever did this, and then I realise every time that she did this to herself.

Then I want to kill every person who has ever made her feel like shit. And then I realise again, one of them people is probably me, however, I would die to protect her any day.

And I can bet that so would the others. She's made everyone happier. we can't lose her now.

It would be the end of the road, and it isn't that time yet, I think she knows that I'm not always there at her bedside. I think she can hear what we are saying, everything i have told her is true. I just want her to be safe.

She's been here since the 18th, its the 24th today, She's been here for a week already.

Dahlia pov

I think visiting hours are about to end, then I hear a familiar voice, "come back to us butterfly, please"


I then also hear a nurse tell him to leave because the visiting hours are over.


Go suck it.

But then I realise another thing.

I'm all alone again and I'm bored, with nobody to listen to.

Me in a gang? No, I'm in a family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora