Chapter 38: 8 days so far

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Dahlia pov

I know that nobody will find me, and apart of me doesn't want them too, I don't want to see their faces again: id rather die. I've been here for so long that I barely know when its day and night and the Scorpos don't help, they party all night and it makes my head hurt. I'm hungry, cold and haven't had any proper sleep for a long time, I'm not sure how long it's even been since I was kidnapped with Calvin, fuck Calvin, I hope he's ok.

The last time I saw him he was unconscious after we got caught off the road, I hope someone found him in time. The last time Jaxon came in here, I heard some noise outside of the door, and knowing him he probably did put an extra lock on the stupid door.

I keep telling them all that I don't know anything, either that or I don't answer at all, but its taking a toll on my body and mind and I definitely know if I don't give in soon I will die, but I've accepted that, and I don't mind as much anymore.

But part of me does need to survive, so I can see if Cal is okay.

Jaxon pov

I'm in the lounge with all the others, they are worried about Dahlia, but they know better than too cross me and feed her, and every time one of them goes to the basement I glare at them and they immediately stop what they're doing.

The girl has been here for almost 9 days and most of them days she has been in the cell, we kindly let her out of the chains and the chair that was holding her hostage, a few days ago. But ever since then she has been cowering in the corner like a freak, she's growing paler and thinner, but that's her fault, she's the one who refuses to answer the god damn questions, its starting to piss me off.
She's been without human contact for nearly 6 days, so I think its time for me to pay a little visit to her. I'm such a gentleman, after all. 

If she does answer the questions and I do believe her, then she will get a reward, if she doesn't, she will get no human contact, food or water again. It's all up to her.

I get up and avery looks at me, then at Edison, Avery gives me a nod and I return one and then I  head down to the basement.

And I see a cold, shivering Dahlia, huddled in a corner of the cell, like I said. The second she spots me a growl escapes her and I laugh, which annoys her more apparently.

"okay, make a deal, if you give me answers I will either let you eat or give you a blanket, if you don't something else will happen, understand?" And she nods in response, good.

I start easy, "okay, what was Masons second name?"

She shakes her head, "you say it was Rivers, but, he went by Anders" she pauses, "I don't know if that means anything to you?"

This time I shake my head and enter the cell, this takes her back but she immediately goes back to hiding her emotions,  "why did you kill him?"

"I had orders to, I don't know the exact reason though, he would never give it to me..." she exhales the breath she decided to hold, and I roll my eyes,  "who's he?" She laughs, "Wouldn't you like to know, but join the club, buddy" her voice is mocking, and so I walk up to her and grab her chin, yanking it harshly so she will look at me. "You do not speak to me like that, understand?"  But all she does this time is look up at me and spit right in my face.

I'm immediately angry, and I know that she can pick up on it, I remove my hand from her chin and instead push all of my force onto her cheek, slapping her so hard she loses balance and hits the floor. "Now I'll ask again, who was 'he?'   

She glares at me, and if looks could kill, my gang would be planning my funeral around about now, "he was the guy who legally adopted me and then made me an assassin, but I don't know who he is exactly, I never saw his face, only met him a few times when I was a kid"

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