Chapter 16: But there isn't anything we can do.

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Dahlia pov
It all happened so fast. Alec and I were talking outside, then we heard a monstrous scream. I could see alec look at me, and I knew he was gonna do something to stop me from going. So instead I just ran toward the scream.
And of course, he followed.
He had to.
Unless he wanted to get killed by Ajax or Jasper for letting me go, I stopped suddenly, looking in front of me was a little girl, about 6 years old, staring blankly at the scene in front of her.
There was a guy probably mid thirties, beating a woman up, he was grabbing her viciously by her hair, and yet the child didn't have any emotions that she portrayed.
I do the only thing I know how to, and walk up to the man, who still holds the woman captive. Then the guy stops, hearing the leaves crackle as I walk, then the man looks up at us staring at him, and then flicks his middle finger at me and growls, "go away!" He barely pays any attention to  me however as I keep my stance "stop hitting the girl."
"no." The man laughs, and shakes his head. Then something changes, Alec looks at me with surprise in his eyes, "we have to get out of here. Dj!' But before I can do anything the guy stops hitting the woman and looks back at me, grinning, "so your the girl he wants." Oh fuck.
I shake my head and reply, "no." But this man is dead set on me being that person, "yes you are." The man takes up running towards me, Alec shouts at me to warn me but its already too late, "Dahlia!" He lunges towards me, holding me away from the creepy man, "who are you?" I ask back, but he gives no reply.
But the man doesn't stop trying to grab me, and its not like we can shoot him in front of all of these people, but finally, he manages to touch me.
And I can't stop it.

I scream.
The woman he had a hold of before screams while she manages to run, luckily, Alec catches her when she nearly falls from her head injury that she sustained. "So many people want to meet you." The man keeps repeating, with the same creepy smirk clinging to his face. I manage to find my voice again and reply, "Unfortunately can't say the same"
And while he's distracted by the woman's flapping arms, I manage to kick him right in the head, he falls but gets up rather quickly, giving me no time to properly make a move out of there.

But I watch his moves carefully, and I see it when he takes out what looks to be a knife, out of his back pocket, ready to stab it right through my new clothes. Fuck no buddie,  "people with problems have to stick together" he mumbles out before trying to inflict harm once more.
"shame, I don't have any problems." I mutter as I manage to just about miss his movement. The man smirks and me again and nods over to Alec, who stares directly at him, only a few feet away he stands, waiting to help if I need it. But the man takes the time to spit out , "Your boyfriend isn't helping you, are you on bad terms?" Idiot, he only wants a rise from me, "he isn't my boyfriend" I roll my eyes and block another one of his attacks. But then Alec screams at me to be careful and watch out. But the sudden distraction causes me to lose half a second of my eyesight as I get multiple knuckles to the face. That's gonna leave a bruise.
But that opens a door for him to start attacking my face and my whole body, he goes for me, knocking me down and repeatedly hitting my face and holding me by the collar of my shirt.
He got blood on my shirt, damn. Alec rushes towards him, pushing him back and then jumping onto his body, punching him again and again. But this gives me time to get up and brush myself off, then I run behind the guy and the second Alec stops punching him, I give him a surprise by giving him a roundhouse kick to the temple. This catches him off guard more and the guy dives to the floor, face planting as he is now unconscious. Bleeding from every place on his face thanks to Alecs lack of control.
I run over the girl, she has black and purple bruises on her, scratches all over her arms and face, blood drips down her nose, she's beaten up pretty badly I'm suprised she's even managed to run this far away from the scene- probably the adrenaline- but I can tell she's strong because she took it like a badass.
We manage to get her a drink and a sandwich and then we do what's best for all of us and leave, heading straight back to the house to get cleaned up from the accident.
We get through the door and Jace is already there, drinking his beer at fuck early in the afternoon, stupid day drinkers. However, there's only one problem, Jace is clearly drunk as he is dancing in the middle of the room, clearly not an actual care in the world. Until he notices us and goes to punch Alec, who is in front of me, but he moves and I have quick reflexes, both of us dodge his attack but I put my hand out, unfortunately hitting him even before he can re try his attack. But his loud scream attacts the attention of some of the others who race into see us all bloody and messed up.
Nathan calls out to his brother, "Jay!" And manages to catch him before he stumbles over the sofa, he looks at us with red in his eyes, like we actually wanted to hurt him.
Then walks in Ajax who surveys the scene in front of him and yells out, "What the hell!" Jace holds his face in agony, even though he only got punched once, I should be the one on the floor in pain, "I thought they were attackers, so I went to punch Alec and then he missed' Jace pauses and Ajax motions to his face, "I missed Alec and then went for Dahlia, who punched me in the face" he forces a laugh, "Its entirely my fault" and while the attention is then turned onto me, everyone finally realises that I'm actually severely injured
Ajax practically runs up to me and checks out my face, but then also manages to hurt me more by touching my bruises, making me flinch, and because they're extremely new, Ajax motions to Jace, "Did you do this to her?" He growls out, but Jace holds up his hands in surrender, "what you talking bout?  I didn't even touch her, she came in like that" Ajax then looks towards Alec and lifts his eyebrow, "What happened?" I shrug, "Its not even that big of a deal, its over now" I laugh, "you should've seen the other guy!"
Alec goes in front of me in a protective stance, like Ajax is really gonna hurt me, "AJ, there was a man who was beating up a woman, Dahlia went to protect her, he got a few punches in-" Ajax cuts him off, "A few? She's beaten to a pulp, you're lucky you didn't have to carry her here dead!" But Alec doesn't back down and looks towards me, "She did the best she could, and eventually we took him down" I cut in before anyone else can speak, "And the woman is doing okay, just if anyone wondered" but nobody really registers that I've said something and they keep staring at Alec and Ajax.
Then jasper comes in through the front door, surveying the scene he finally looks at me and we make eye contact, giving me a millisecond before he runs up to me and checks me out too, making me flinch again in pain. People love to do that huh.
Jasper sighs, "Are you okay?" I nod at him and he nods back, "Alright, Nathe could you please clean her up" Nathan nods too and motions for me to follow him, which I do.

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