Chapter 28: Death walks among us

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I refuse to believe he really did an Ajax and faked his own death, fuck this is making everything so complicated. Somewhere deep inside of me I know that this car isn't fast enough to get away from Edison and his stupidly fast car, but then it comes clear to me that we aren't getting out of this alive once the car that Is tailing us rams into the bumper of Cal's car.
It then proceeds to force us onto the left side of the road. Also known as the wrong way, and the car rolls over, again and again. I hear Cal groan in pain as the car rams into us again, but harder this time, pushing Cal's leg further into the steering wheel. But we don't manage to get out of it because then Edison rams again, this time into the side of the car, my side. I cry out in pain as the door crushed my arm and side.
I know Cal is fully unconscious and I know I'm barely conscious myself, but I see two men jump out of the car once they fully get us off the road, hearing one of them laugh and then immediately shut up like the other one had glared at them.
While I am still conscious though, I hear them talking, "So what do we do now?" one of them says, his raspy voice awakens my ear drums as it sounds like he has just woken up, "We get the girl, and then we get Jaxon, after that it's up to him" The raspy one cuts Edison off and asks, "Torture?" I practically see Edison give him a look as to say, 'shut up' and he replies with, "no" and the raspy one mumbles out a "not fair, that's my favourite part" gee, thanks buddy.
I hear their voices getting closer, and I know there's only a few seconds left before I do fully loose consciousness, so I try and stay calm and breathe before I do, "Dammit, she's fucking hurt" Edison places his hand on my side door, extremely close and dangerous. "I need to get her out of here and into the car, could you deal with him?" Edison says while he surveys my injuries and then takes me into his arms, "I'll just leave him here to be found" the raspy one says, "Link don't be such a dick" Edison lifts me up and I groan slightly.
"Is she awake?" The one I now know as Link, says. "No, thank god, she is just incredibly injured, might be somethin' serious, call ahead and get Donovan" Edison says and Link mumbles a, 'fine' and walks up to the car, opening two doors and then closing another, "Come on, Dahlia, time for a nice sleep" and then I fall fully unconscious, into the dark pit of gloom.
I can feel when someone takes me out of the car and out into the cool breeze of the day, but it only lasts a few seconds before I am back in warmth and then get seated on a chair, well so glad that I'm not being tortured, yet at least. then I hear commotion, "She looks so cute, are you sure I can't keep her?" what the actual fuck. "Avery, you know Jaxon won't allow you to do that" the girl I know as Avery mumbles a low, "Fuck him" and then some others laugh.
Then another new voice blossoms from a few meters away, "who's this huh? Nobody told me we were getting a new one" new what exactly mate? Edison answers him, "This is Dahlia, and we aren't doing that with her, so leave her alone, that goes to everyone, not just you Cedric" he voices. "She's injured, what did you do to her?" one of the girls ask, "Saff, they had a small accident" and then another mumble, "Is she okay?" and Edison scoffs, "No, that's why I called Donovan" who is Donovan?
"Oh you're all down here, well that's good, this is Dahlia Joel Brax, and I need her" yeah I know my own name but what do you want me for? Then I hear the angry screams from my 'deceased' brother, "What the actual fuck, Jaxon?" I hear Jaxon scoff and then laugh, "She has something I need" and then my head goes numb and I again fall into an unconscious state, which seems to happen quite a lot lately.

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