Chapter 70: understood?

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The darkness might suffocate you, but if you don't wanna die then fight it.

Dahlia pov

They are still talking, They take it in turn to say their thing in hopes that I would hear them. And I am.

"We haven't always been friends, I didn't understand why you were with us,.but we have bonded and its weird without you, your presence is wanted- needed Dahlia, -we miss you- I don't think we could go on if you died, but if you wanted to give up I wouldn't blame you, after all the things you've been through just makes you stronger, but if you are certain you want to do this, nobody will blame you Dahlia but if you don't want to then fight it, remember you still owe me a bike ride, you aren't getting out of it that easily"

I know its Alec, he is the only person who would say this, and also I remember him wanting to go on my new bike before I left to go back to Armstrongs.

"I knew what you were capable of when we were teenagers, Dahlia. But I never thought this deep, when Ash told us I thought why would it be this hard for you, but I get you and I understand if you really just wanna quit, its your choice butterfly, you can get better and spend your life with us or you can watch over us for the remainder of our lives, we had good times when we were together, but then everything came crashing down once you had things going on..I regret not talking to you about your weird behaviour I shrugged it off and I shouldn't off because that resulted in you nearly losing your life and now this when I say you again go into that coffee shop with Jasper I had a chance of getting to know you again and possibly taking it further again, but it probably won't end up like that, you have a choice. Please choose the one you want"

After a couple of minutes, another voice starts,

"I'm sorry, I messed up Dahlia, I broke your trust and for that I don't deserve you, I don't want to be forgiven because I know I screwed up our friendship and I know it takes a while for you to trust somebody, I don't deserve your forgiveness, please make the right decision, not everyone gets to choose when they die, or how, but you do, you have that choice, please make the right one."

I know its Ash, she apologies way to much when she gets the chance too, and probably never will stop. I have forgiven her, but she doesn't know that because I'm in a coma and I can't talk.
She deserves to be forgiven.

She messed up, yes. But she's human, and humans make mistakes. She did it because she was worried. And she cares.

"I remember the first day we met, we had to get you out of that coffee shop, we had to get you off the streets, you were in danger and you couldn't see it, so you didn't believe us, how stupid you were, we found you getting dragged off into a van, we got you into the car, and we were on the road to where we live, you woke up 10 minutes later and began looking around the car, you knew who we were, you kept it to yourself, you also began checking me out and I had to keep that to myself, I mean its not every day you get a hot girl checking you out, I secretly wish that we got to hang out together more, love, whether you choose to live or die, we will always care for you."


He knew all along that I had checked him out, and you know I'm glad. I'm glad he chose to keep it to himself, otherwise I would of been so embarrassed.


"We don't know each other well to become best friends, but that doesn't stop me from telling you that if you died, I would miss you a lot, you have been there for me when I needed you the most, when I needed somebody to talk to, you brightened up everyone's day when you smiled, when you laugh and when you were hurt it broke us all, I wouldn't be able to cope if you died, Dahlia, please I need you, we need you here, You're the only one who can get past Ajax's dark side, he's happier when he's around you, he doesn't admit it and probably never will, but your presence here is like drugs to us"

Chase. He came back from another one of his around the world business meetings to come and talk to me,


"I know we don't always talk much, the first time we met, I knew exactly why you were in danger, because you are beautiful, and many people want you as theirs, when you and Alec went out and came back and were hurt, I hate seeing you get hurt, please don't leave, I bonded with you tending to your injuries, if you die, I will never be able to help you with your injuries, and we will never joke about again. Come back to us Dahlia, come back to us please" 


"I want you to hear this, but the nurse said you probably wouldn't, unless you've been hearing us the whole time, which is crazy because that's weird and also crazy and also I have no idea what to actually say, I miss you Dahlia, we all do and I want you to come back to us so then we can have more happy memories together but we won't if you are dead, we won't have any more memories if you are dead, please don't leave us again, its your choice to die or live, just please choose the right one, i can't exactly have a conversation with a dead person, Dahlia, its gonna be hard" jace laughs,

"Er, Hey, it's me again, Alec if you didn't know, so I'm gonna do something I've never done to anyone before, I don't know what I'm actually doing is good, but you can decide on that and tell me later, when you are awake" he pauses, "So here ya go"

Alec stayed behind, and I hear him he his guitar. Then he starts singing, I hear him so clearly, he's singing Truce by TØP, I didn't know he could sing nor play the guitar, that's amazing.

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