Chapter 6: I was in a group called mantian you heard of it?

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I was in a group called mantian you heard of it? Edited.
"ah, you meanie, I ain't that bad..." I growl at I'm not a wolf.
"well you might have gotten better anyway..." he shrugs
"we didn't introduce ourselves yet...I'm chase..I'm 19 years can call me chay..."
I can also call you anytime....So he's one of the cole huh..well he is damn fine, but I don't feel attracted to him...
"she already knows who I am...ugh whatever, Ajax Crawford..I'm 22, you can call me aj."
Oh feisty...
"I'm alec Baxter and I'm can call me al."
Damn he is fine too, he was one of the guys who saved me back there....and also then kidnapped me.
"I'm Eli connors, I'm 22, you also can call me e."
Damnnn he is so fine, I would so love to hit him up. Omg what am I thinking?
"I'm jace Morgan, I'm 18, I'm also the youngest, you can call me jay."
Nicee but I wouldn't date somebody who is 2 years younger than me...maybe who knows?
"I'm Nathan Morgan, I'm 21 years old. You can call me Nate."
Ooh la laaa he is one hot brother.
Then the girl speaks up
"I'm Ashley, I'm 20, you can call me anything you want....or just ash..." she has a cute voice. She is also kinda cute.
"I think I'll just call you anything you want..." I say to her.
"very funny. I knew somebody would say that.." she replies.
"well you kinda deserved it." Nathan says to her.
Ashley pulls her tongue out at Nathan, they seem to be close...
It also seems like Ashley and Eli are from England,  because they are British, is that stereotyping? Probably.
Then all of a sudden, Eli pipes up
"you're British aren't you?" He asks me was he reading my mind?
"yeah, well originally. I er moved to la when I was 14..." I say to him.
When that bastard made me move.
"what made you come to LA?" He asks me. "er erm. Well I had this job and I had to move away to work..." I reply to him.
Wasn't all a lie, I did have a job, but not legally.
"well what was your job?  You seem like a good girl. Nothing bad I hope?" Ashley asks me. Totally not bad.
"wait, you mean you think she was like what? An assassin? Hah." Chase says to her.
"well maybe. Also she was 14 when she got this 'job'." She tells him. "well er, I was in a group called mantian have you heard of it?" Their eyes widen at the name.
"how old are you?" Ajax asks me. "20" I reply. "yeah seems about right, how long did you work for them for?" He asks me.
"3 years." He looks surprised. But I don't know what at.
"wait, who is mantian?" Chase asks anybody. Ashley replies "its an assassin group. The ringleader basically finds kids that have potential. And then they train them to kill people."
"correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't come off as a type of person to ya know...kill people." Jace says to me, getting up from the chair he was at and comes closer to me.
"I didn't have a choice. I was 14, I was a minor. And where I came from and my background. I had to do it." I don't look fazed when he comes over to me and comes close to my face. 
"what was your background?" Eli asks, he asks a lot of bloody questions.
Jasper and I look at each other, I look back at eli.
"me and my siblings went to a care home after our parents died...and after like 7 months this guy legally adopted me. And then I went to training for 3 months. Then I was an assassin..." I say to everyone. Jace then tries to put his hand on my cheek, but I grab it and stare at him. There is a silence for a couple of seconds before Ashley speaks up.
"how many people did you kill?" Damn really that question.
"Ashley...." jasper gives her a stern look. She looks bemused and smirks "what? I just wanna know if she actually knows!"
"232." I reply. Still staring at Jace. He pulls his hand away from my grip. Rubbing it with his unhurt hand.
Ashley smirks "well well well. Little lamb over here is actually a lion."
I'm not a lamb.
"why did you kill them?" Ajax asks me
I shrug again "different reasons. I know some of them were innocent."
"were you getting paid?" He asks
I don't like this. "why are you asking me so many questions? Go shove it!"
"Dahlia!" Jasper shouts.
But I don't care, "no, jasper. You guys saved me from getting kidnapped but then also  kidnapped me. What do you want with me?"
"You are valuable, Dahlia." Ajax says getting comfy in the chair he is now sitting in.
"no! Don't call me that."
"DJ, look. You've killed people and their families want pay back. Or in some case they want closure." Ajax then says to me.
"and because of that, other gangs have been into it and want to find you. " Eli adds.
"why?" I ask them all, "so they can make use of you...then kill you.." Eli says.
"aren't you gonna do that?" I ask them
"we aren't like that." Eli says, but they are a gang...and they kidnapped me.
"but obviously we want to use you. You have skills." Alec says. Great just great.
" how do you know that?" I ask, but I know why.
"when you threw the knives. You did it with precision." Alec says looking somewhat happy?
"I'm not killing people. Or hurting people. I did that. I don't do it now" I say to them through my teeth.
"we can't promise that. But its up to you. Anyway that's it for this meeting. You can do what you want now." Ajax says getting up from the chair giving it a shake of his head
"DJ, come with me..." jasper says, so I follow him it couldn't get me kidnapped again. "where?" I ask as I catch up to him.
"we are going out!" He says with a smile, "mhmm"
"can I come?" Eli asks getting a "no" from jasper and a "sure" from me.
Jasper and i both look at each other

Me in a gang? No, I'm in a family Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat