Chapter 15: claustrophobic?

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I heard this ringtone go off, we all looked in the way it was ringing from.
It came from dahlias phone.
Mhmm good music style
She looked annoyed, she laughed and looked at jasper and mouthed something.
She insulted whoever was on the other end of the line, she had always been like that.
Glad that part of her didn't change.
Then when the call ends, she tells us that it was her aunt who had called her.
She spoke of her aunt rarely, and when she did, it wasn't good things.
She'd had bad history with her aunt.
And she can and would always use that too her advanced when her aunt was annoying her.

Dahlia pov
I hated her.
Why was she that way?
I don't know.
I know what you're thinking, dahl why did you insult her saying that at least you knew your parents?
Well, my mum and aunt never did. Neither did my uncle.
My aunt had always hated when I brought that up, because she knew I was right.


It was about 15:32 PM
I hadn't had anything to eat or drink.
I wasn't hungry.
I wanted to go out of the house, I knew somebody unfortunately had to come with me, but I needed to.
Wanted to.
It felt like I was getting claustrophobic even if a big house like this.
And still by this time, we all still were in the lounge.
Then we heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen, Ajax shot up from his seat and went to go to the kitchen.
I was faster than Ajax, and probably everyone else in the house.
I managed to get to jasper first.

He was crouched over holding his hand, there was a knife just a couple of meters away from him. I could hear him swear under his breathe.
"shit shit shit" he kept mumbling
I looked closely at jasper, he was cutting up a watermelon, when his hand suddenly got caught under the knife, he was bleeding quite a lot.
"Ugh, you never could do anything without getting injured, stupid" I mutter, staring at the blood oozing out of his hand, I manage to hand jasper a towel. But when I see that he makes no move to get it, i press the cloth on Jaspers wound myself.
I grab another towel, placing it over the already blooded towel and wrap it around his hand, keeping pressure onto it as he groans in pain.

I help him up off the floor and Nathan hands me a green first aid kit, grabbing the bandage out of it and proceeds to then bandage up his hand, keeping it close to his stomach for him to rest on. We make our way back to the lounge, "I know, this is sudden, but can like one of you come with me, i would go on my own outside but I don't think you would let me...." I hesitate to ask them.
Ashley stands up almost immediately, "I'll go with you" but quiet Alec pushes her back down by standing up himself, "Actually, i think I will, I want to take my share." I'm something to share?, "Oh? You want to take your share, okay then, well come on" he shoves on his shoes and then comes running up behind me, near the door.
Alec is 21 years old, just 1 year older than me, the fucking eye candy is beautiful. Alec is quiet at first, but when you get to know him, he can be more talkative, I can tell he has been here a long time. And as usual, the others make the first move, "so why did you want to get out of there? was it the blood?" He asks me, and I shake my head.

"Ah, no, I was trained so blood didn't bother me, i- I felt claustrophobic in there, side effect"
Alec gives me a confused look, "side effects as to?" I shrug, "my past" I keep it short and simple, or at least hope I did. Alec nods, "Right, well whatever is holding you back isn't going anywhere anytime soon huh"
"I know, but it's not something I can just leave behind, I have to carry them burdens around with me all of the time" Alec sighs, and then responds, "I know"

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