Chapter 32: Gang life

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Dahlia pov
There's a sudden knock at the door and its not like I can answer it so I leave it to the Scorpos, who don't seem to be happy about the arrangement. They don't stop knocking, persistent much? Avery gets up and sighs she goes over to the door and opens it. She just stands there, doesn't talk
The person at the door obviously is a stranger, because he tries to hit on her, but as Avery just ignores it, staring at them, "hi cutie, what's your name?
From what I can tell, Avery just keeps blinking slowly at the person in the doorway, until they speak up again, this time with an actual sentence. "Okay then, I'm looking for Dahlia." the voice is Jace, and his arrogant behaviour towards Avery makes her even more hostile.
But Edison, Link and Avery don't know who he is. I get up from the chair I was sitting at and go up to a place I know nobody can see me from the door. Avery still doesn't say a word, and jace just stands there, trying to get something out of Avery.
"I have reason to believe that my friend is here" Jace goes onto say, but only gets a sarcastic response back from Avery, "I have reason to believe a hunter shouldn't be on this property" and as she has apparently given up trying to deal with his shit, she goes to shut the door in his face, but he stops her right before, slamming his foot into the door as he does so, which angers Avery even more and makes her huff.
Jace stutters over his words, "please i need to know if she is alright" Avery looks over to him, "Jax, what do you think we should do with a Hunter?" Jaxon rolls his eyes, "hmm, if he wants to see Dahlia, he should bring the other hunters with him" he pauses, "may stand a better chance of not dying" Jace laughs, "be careful of what you wish for Armstrong"
Jaxon scoffs, "sure" then Jace huffs, turns away and walks off, presumably to get the Hunters, then Jaxon then turns towards me and raises an eyebrow, "you had the chance to escape, why didn't you?" I roll my eyes at him, "I was with my fried in that car for a reason, I was there for about a week, I ran away from the hunters, I don't want to get back with them" but the others obviously thought of a different reason, "Even though you got tortured here for weeks?" I nod, "oh, didn't think a girl like you-" Jaxon starts and I cut him off, "-would be able to run away from the people who saved me from another kidnapping attempt? Oh well"
Link then speaks up, "well, you can choose, which gang do you want to live with? I laugh at him, "God, none, both include a brother of mine, and both include an ex lover, you really think I wanna be around that?" Ellie looks shocked and then turns towards Jaxon, and then Edison exclaims, "You went with him!?" he shudders, "In what I like to call the worst time of my life, right before I actually went officially with Coby" Link then looks over at Jaxon, and then at me, "Couldn't you have picked a better one?" I nod and bite my lip in thought, "Well I did, I picked Coby afterwards, at least the sex was good" Edison covers his ears with his hands, "God shut up I don't want to hear this" and to make everything worse, Ethan then adds, "the age of consent here is 18, and you were what, 15, 16? Idiots" I shrug.
Saturday- 13:40 PM
while the others are upstairs, the doorbell rings, so I call out to Jaxon so he can come get it, which I don't think he likes doing, I've never seen him open a front door. Then I hear him groan "ugh, Crawford you're on my property.."
Ajax is here, great, just what we all needed, "I need my member back" he thinks I'm one of his? lmao okay buddy, luckily I have a Scorpo on my side, "she isn't yours, Crawford, never was" then I hear Eli speak up, "look, even if we don't take her home, please can we at least see her and talk to her?" I hear them plead, and Jaxon looks over at me and asks, "Well?" I roll my eyes again, "I'd rather have a conversation with a goat" and then I make my presence known to the Hunters who look very happy but very tired, "Dahlia please" Ajax mutters, and I shrug him off, "Don't you even care about Calvin? Are you hurt? Don't you wanna see your brother again?" I laugh, "My brother is right over there" and I look over to Edison, he smiles at me and waves sarcastically to the Hunters.
But I have a sudden change of heart when they ask me to come home for a short period of time, "I still have a deal with Jaxon, but I can come with you for a bit" Jaxon nods at me when I look over at him, telling me in a way that I am allowed to leave. Jaxon calls out to both Ajax and Eli when I go upstairs to get my shoes, "Crawford, Connors, you should help her walk" they then pay more attention to what I look like when I walk back and they yell at him for whatever he did to me. I know me leaving wont be the end of the drama nor my promise to help Jax later, but that's for later.
Jasper is the first to see me, when I get out of the car with the help of Eli, he runs up to me ready to give me a hug, but Ajax abruptly stops him.
Ajax mumbles, "she's hurt, 2 bruised ribs and a broken ribs maybe more and definitely something broken"Jasper gasps and then exhales sharply, "what did they do to you?" but I ignore his question and hug him instead, also trying to ignore the burning in my chest from the pain. "Edison was there"
Jasper mutters a lot of swears under his breath and then Ajax asks, confused, "okay, who is Edison?" Jaspers eyes go wide and he mumbles, "He was our brother, who died but now is apparently alive" the Hunters all have very shocked faces and go quiet, until Eli speaks up, "Who else hurt you?"I laugh, "Most of them did, but Edison and link drove me and Calvin off a cliff"
Jasper punches the closest thing next to him, which is Jace as he walks past him trying to see me, "that bastard" Jace looks over to Jasper, but shrugs the violence off. Gang life.

Me in a gang? No, I'm in a family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora