Chapter 27: Edison

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(three days since Dahlia moved in with Calvin)
13:37 PM
I know Ajax has ben trying to locate me, he managed to turn on my phone and nearly find me but luckily I caught him before it got any further, Cal wasn't happy when he found out that Ajax was actually Coby and he was my ex, he got mad at what he did and made me do, and once I told him everything he told me that he would make sure it never happens again.
But I know for a fact that Ajax wont stop trying and I don't want him to hurt Cal, no we aren't dating, yet anyway I don't know if I want to create something in my head that isn't there, I don't even know if he actually does like me like that or we are just going off of some fling that we had years ago and it has been relite.
Cal and I are baking chocolate chip cookies and dancing to old pop songs that we had both forgotten, I cant help but smile at Cal and his awful dancing and singing, but I can tell he's enjoying himself and actually being happy, his eyes stay on me most of the time and we make hard core eye contact while a slower song come on, making my heart skip about a million beats.
"Hey, wait, I wanna talk with you about something" he suddenly stops while putting the cookies on the baking tray, I spin around and stare at him and he catches me by my waist, his hands stay there and he smirks at me, "They only know your phone number, right?" I nod at him, "Well then I wanna take you out to get a new phone and a new number" he stops himself and his eyes glow with worry, "If that's okay with you, obviously" I smile at him, "You would do that for me? Have you even got any cash for that though?" he laughs, "I live in a two story house with four rooms and two bathrooms, and I live alone, I have enough" he looks down at his feet, "I want to spend it on you" my heart swoons.
"I'd like that" and with that we go to the mall, but it isn't just the phone shop we go into, we go to a café and some clothing stores too, and all of this while he holds my hand, tight. After he gets me a new phone and number we set it up and then he adds himself into my contacts, I roll my eyes as I see it says, 'lover boy' I shake my head and laugh, "You're stupid" he giggles, "So are you, come on get in, we have cookies to eat!" but before I get into the car, I open my door and see out of the corner of my eye, somebody, staring at me.
But I make the worst decision and I accidently make eye contact with him. "You okay?" Cal asks and I shake my head, "It's nothing, I hope" and then he starts the car and drives off, but none of this can lead up to anything good, and it doesn't.
"Do you see that?" I ask him while he's driving, he looks over at me and then out of the side mirror, "Who, the person tailing us?" I nod, "They have been for over twenty minutes, we need to find a way out of here" Cal nods, "Sure, can you see who it is?" I nod at him, "Yeah- my brother" I hear Cal take a deep breath, "Jasper?" he asks and I shake my head. "No- Edison" he gasps, "He-he fucking died, are you seeing things?" I roll my eyes.
"He did- or well at least acted like he did" I mumble a 'fuck' under my breath,
Our older brother, Edison had 'died' when he was in the military, we barely saw him anyway but once he 'died' he fell of the grid altogether. He had 'died' in combat two years after he had signed up.
He was 22 when I was only 13, he was 9 years older than me. So he would be 29 now. I can't believe this is happening right now, "Cal you need to step on it, like now!" he nods and gives me a short, "Got it!" and that's what he does, but nothing can out run the asshole in the car.

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