Chapter 72: wake up.

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Dahlia pov

It's the same thing every. Fucking. Day. And honestly its getting boring.

Don't get me wrong, I love hearing all of them, but I'd much rather talk to them face to face, and when I can actually reply would be nice aswell.

But instead, I'm just laying in a hospital bed, probably with the ugly hospital gown on. And I can't do anything to help.

I try to do something.

I have done for a while now, I try to get myself out of this coma that I'm in, this time though, im not gonna give up, until I actually wake up. And see their ugly faces looking at me.
But it only gets my heart racing, every time it does that, the nurses come through and make a scene of it, for gods sake I only want to fucking wake up.

Ignore the coma girl, I do it again, but this time I don't stop when the nurses tell me too. I can hear people shouting, I can hear Ajax and Nathans voices, It must be about time to switch.

The nurses are getting the doctors and the doctors are telling me to calm down and stop doing whatever I'm doing.

But I won't stop, I'm determined to wake up.

I don't know what the doctors have done, but I have no energy left, and the voices go all muffled and soft
Then I stop trying to make myself wake up, but I'm gonna do it as soon as I get the energy back.

Ajax pov

I'm with Dahlia, and its coming up to the time where I switch with Nathan.

I get to the door, saying goodbye to her, But I only make it so far before I get startled by a really loud beeping.

I turn toward dahlia and the heart rate monitor is high, fuck. The nurses and doctors fill the room, searching for a reason for why her heartbeat is this bad. "I'm sorry, you need to leave, now please" one of the nurses instruct me to leave.

I go out of the room, but Nathan comes over to me and asks me what's wrong with her, and I can't tell him because I don't know myself.

What's wrong with the girl I love?

She must be fighting it, she has to fight it! About 10 minutes pass and finally, the doctors have calmed dahlia down, but what the fuck happened? Then I catch up with Vincent, who has just came out of Dahlias room.

"what happened to her, Vincent?"

"Ajax I honestly don't know, but I do believe she's fighting the system" he says, "Wait you mean she's trying to wake up?" Nathan interjects

"yes, there is reason to believe she's been trying to wake up for a while, she keeps doing it, its all her" he explains. So she's trying to wake up, but if the doctors keep drugging her then she's not gonna wake up any time soon is she? "we had to do it, ajax. Otherwise she would have had a heart attack, and that would of been worse" he replies

"what are the chances of her waking up now?" I ask him

"well, about 4%, but that's an average guess"

Fucking hell, Dahlia, you really do know how to make us worry.

Me in a gang? No, I'm in a family Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ