Chapter 49: A life we lost

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I made a deal with Jaxon, but I also made a deal- a pact with 'him' when I was becoming an assassin, so truly, words and deals don't seem to matter to me.
"Tell nobody about the missions you go on, no confidential information relating to the assassinations. Even if you get tortured, you can't say anything, understand?" His words are repeated again and again over and over. Causing me to have painful flashbacks of everything he did. "You do what I say, when I say it! No excuses, you are stupid, dumb, I can't even believe you are one of the best, you need to understand this is for the best and if you can't believe that then I have bigger things to do to you"
"Get it through your thick head that you belong to me! You're mine. Forever and always, mine, nobody else will have you!"
"You are so god damn annoying, just shut up, can't we do this in peace just once? If you wanted a punishment you could of just asked."
"Get a fucking grip Dahlia! You are worthless, you can't even turn me on, you can't do anything right!"
"Dahlia, let me do this in peace, that's all I need"
That's one of the nights were he hit me, harder than any time before. It made me not be able to go on missions for 3 weeks, and it made him so angry, even though it was his fault.
Everyone asked me where the bruises, or cuts came from, but I knew I couldn't snitch.
After a while of thinking, I shout for Jaxon, and he eventually appears, but I don't want him to make me less bored, instead I strike another deal with him.
I tell him if he brings down 'Pamela" and some food, I will give him some answers, and he graciously complies.
Jaxon pov
"Hey ed?" I go up to ask him, and he looks away from his book and says, "Yeah?" I graze the book he's reading, fucking Princess diaries, and I shake my head in shame. "Dahlia says she wants Pamela, whatever that is" Ed laughs in my face and shakes his head.
He leaves the room to bring whatever Pamela is, and then shows us, also giving us an explanation,
" Pamela is an acoustic guitar she bought me for my birthday one year" he says probably knowing what we are wondering.
I take the guitar and grab her some snacks, and then open the cell door, her face immediately brightens up, "He still has it" she mumbles to herself, "Here's Pam" she then in a split second starts to glare at me, "Her name is Pamela" 
But other than that she doesn't answer any of the questions relating to "Pamela" eh, ill just ask Ed later on.
Dahlia pov
"okay then, so would you give any other details as to why you killed mason?" He asks me, sitting in a new chair he also brought down
"I can't" I mutter, "yes, you can." He responds rolling his eyes, "I can't Armstrong! Don't you understand? I physically can't!" But he doesn't take this as an answer as he punches me in the gut.
"I can't answer the question....because I don't know any other information about it!" Jaxon stops punching me in the gut and stares at me, "I can't, because" I pause, "I don't know"
I breath in heavily, the pain in my chest rising, and then I realise, he undid my stitches, I can feel the heat from the now open wound.
Dammit Armstrong, trust you to open my fricking wound, but he obviously doesn't notice the crimson red blood oozing out of my body.
"Well okay then, ill be back soon" He says then turns and leaves the cell.
I make sure he has gone, then carefully make my way to the guitar case. I decide to take my mind away from the pain in my chest by playing a song on it. While I play I'm reminded of my family, and how much they really meant to be before it all turned to shit.
One of my aunts, Pamela, died from cancer at the age of 35. Our mother was 48 when she died and my dad was 49, my mother had Edison when she was only 19, and then Jas when she was 26, and later on when she was 28, I came along, and the most unexpected kid came too, she gave birth to Nel when she was 35.
And even though I don't really remember her, I have the stories that my family members told me engraved in my brain to remind me, that I'm never truly alone in my fight.

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