Chapter 68: the end of the road?

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If I knew what would happen, I wouldn't of gotten involved

Dahlia pov

I find an intense stare pierce through me, so I look around and find mateis eyes.

"We know you want to kill us, well Jaxon wants you to kill us, and we know you don't want to because of some stupid trauma, but come on, get it through your thick skull, Jaxon is using you!"  I'm getting angrier at the second, and then the thoughts pop back into my mind, of how Jaxons parents killed my own.

Now, I have 7 knives on me and 2 guns which house 9 bullets each and  there are 19 gang members in the room. 7+9 = 16 and I obviously let Edison off the hook, Link has been nice to me while I've been here, and obviously Ed loves him, Avery and Saffron haven't done anything wrong, Cedric and Ethan haven't done anything wrong, but they have been assholes.

Ellie and skyler are a bunch of idiots who think they own the world, and well Skylar did bring me here, so she's in deep water too.

And every hound is on my list so that narrows it down to, 13 people I need to kill. 14 if you count me in that.

I don't want to live with another 13 people on my conscience, it would be way too much for me. I take a deep breath and then take out a knife.

"I'm gonna do the right thing in my mind, which is basically kill 13 of you, and then I will kill one more person, then the others can go home and cry about it after wards, sound good?" My rehetorical question lingers in the room. In one swift movement I take out one of my knives from my pocket and throw it right at Marcus.

The blood from his chest splatters all on zoey, and she screams but so does Marcus, ouch that must have hurt.

Then I go with another knife and throw it at Jaxon, what you thought I wasn't going to kill the man who kidnapped and tortured me for weeks?

It hits him right in the lower abdomen, my guess he won't survive long without treatment. Then I round back off onto the hounds, and honestly I don't care who I kill next.

I take a look at everyone then decide. "You all disgust me, but tell me, would you rather live or die with what you have done to others?" I ask them.
"die.." Matei says, followed by Elissa and Zoey who mutter,"Live", then Evie yells, "Die'  followed up with another "live" from Chester, and another two "dies' from Cole and Jamie, after some of us are surprised at this, Jamie mumbles, "I couldn't live without my brother" and I laugh, "Well then don't" I reply to him and shoot him in the chest. Similar to where I killed Marcus

"live" Darius says, trying not to look at the dead bodies surrounding him,

"live" Francis says, so I reply, "well then, you've decided your fates"

I know who are lying and who aren't, And I know what I've done is wrong on so many levels. But this is the job anyway.

Throwing a knife at Francis and it goes right into his heart, the blood staining the floors, then I turn and point the gun I hold with my left hand, at Elissa, after I shoot, she falls back onto the cold concrete floor, and a pool puddle of blood swarms around her.

"I'm not gonna kill the rest of you, but I do want you to join the hunters with me" Zoey immediately replies and shakes her head, "No, I-I can't"

"I will if you will..." Evie says towards the rest of them, and Zoey and Matei nod, then I hear, "Chester and I as well" replies darius

I then turn to face the scorpos, looking at Ellie, "You were with him all the time, you knew didn't you, you were behind it when the guy spiked my drink at the hunters house" I ask, but I don't need a reason to kill this crack whore. She falls effortlessly, and hits the floor blood pouring out of the gun wound to the stomach.

I then turn to face Skylar, "what about you huh?" She sighs, "I brought you into a trap, I followed you for months, all because my brother wanted me too and for that I'm sorry" she says but I don't believe her, so instead I take out my knife at throw it right at her, she yelps and falls lifeless.

"I want you all to join up with the hunters, make them strong, powerful, but I have a tough time already doing this and I always have" Edison seems to understand what I am saying.

"Don't do it, have you taken your meds today?" Diverting the subject there Eddie? "I don't have any" jokes on him I stopped taking them years ago.
I turn my blade to face my stomach, all eyes on me. Honestly, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I'm no longer scared, with that I plunge the blade into my stomach. The burning sensation flows through me and I drop to the floor in agony. "NO!" I hear a distant shout and then the darkness over takes me.

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