Fear// Vegeta X Male! Reader

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It's something everyone has in common. Everyone is afraid of something, no exceptions. It's something that controls you and makes you feel paralyzed. Most people say there is no cure, but that's not true. There are many cures, and one of them is having someone you love by you at the time you're afraid. There's something about the reassurance and care from a loved one that makes you feel home.








You took a deep breath, stepping out of your car and into the foot deep snow on the ground. Being honest, you were really regretting your current visit to your boyfriend. You hate snow, so why go out of your way to see the dwarf bastard? Apparently because you're an idiot in love. That's why.

You walked through the snow cringing. You shook your head mumbling to yourself to calm down.

"I'm a penguin. I'm a penguin. I'm a penguin. I'm a penguin. I'm a penguin."

Somehow it worked, you made it to the door more confidently, shivering as you knocked on the door of your boyfriend's house. A very familiar voice replied.

"Didn't you see the doorbell?"

You let out a bitter laugh, rubbing your arms. You could feel your teeth gritting together, annoyed that Vegeta didn't just open the door. "It's freEZING OUT HERE AND YOU EXPECT ME TO RING A DOORBELL?"



You knocked a few more times, each more frantically than the last. You hate the cold and Vegeta was well aware of that fact. It was probably the reasoning behind such cruelty.

"What's the magic word?"

You rolled your dry eyes, your left hand placing on you hip. You. Were. Freezing. And also desperate. Your teeth gritted and your lips stuttered as you swallowed your pride. Your desperation began to show.

"P.. Pl.. P-Please?"

A laugh was heard on the other side of the door. "The magic word is dolphin, but I'll open the door because you asked so nicely. Also I can hear your teeth chattering through the door."

You subconsciously grabbed your jaw to stop your teeth. You hadn't noticed they were doing that.

The door opened, revealing a shirtless Vegeta. Your jaw seemed to drop into the snow. "What are you doing wearing such little clothing in such extreme weather?"

Vegeta shrugged. "I guess you can say I like the cold."

You shook your head at your boyfriend's craziness. You laughed to yourself, however not surprised that a person as cold blooded as Vegeta was used to the cold.

Vegeta's patience seemed to be wearing off slowly, he didn't want to be holding the door for so long.

"Y/N. Are you gonna come in or what?"

You gasped, remembering that you were still out in the unforgiving cold. You nodded frantically, practically running inside and passed your boyfriend. Vegeta closed the door at last, locking it as well. He turned around to face you, a bored look on his face.

"You know, I was gonna leave you out there to be eaten up by that snowstorm."

You raised an eyebrow, already in his hallway. You looked to the wall, turning the thermostat from 68 to 80. "Snowstorm?"

Vegeta nodded, throwing his muscular body on his black couch. "Yeah. A snowstorm is supposed to hit today. I'm surprised you didn't know."

You felt a small bead of sweat go down your forehead, not because of the current change in temperature. You thought about being stuck in that thing and shivered to yourself. It would have been brutal, but Vegeta would have opened the door eventually.... Right?

You walked over to Vegeta, sitting very close to him. Vegeta so obviously noticed, but tried to act like he didn't. You smiled to yourself because Vegeta's body tensed with the knowledge of his body being so close to yours. You could have fun with this.

You tried to hold back your excited laughter as you reached your arms out and threw yourself forward to "huggle" with Vegeta. You laughed a bit as your body flew torwards Vegeta. You almost felt the victorious hug, but instead got a hand to the face.

And a face to the floor.

You groaned as you looked up to see your boyfriend who was watching Tv like nothing happened. You rubbed your cheek, pouting at the spiky haired asshole.

"Why'd you do that?"

"No cuddling or hugging in my house."

You pouted, sitting up and throwing yourself on the opposite side of the couch as some sort of strike. You crossed your arms, looking in the other direction.

Your eyes were looking as far away from Vegeta as possible, you knew it was childish, but it was Vegeta who started it. You pondered that last thought for a moment before huffing at yourself.

You gasped as the lights flickered. You turned to Vegeta who didn't budge. You felt yourself getting nervous as you grabbed one of the cushions that lay beside you. You exhaled sharply as the lights flickered once again.

You looked at Vegeta once again, who was as blank faced as usual. The entirety of the power cut off, resulting in you screaming for dear life.

Vegeta glanced at you with annoyance clear in his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

You could feel yourself crumbling to his mercy as you hugged the cushion tightly. Your lips trembled and your body shook. You were terrified and that was obvious.

"I.. I don't like the dark. A-Actually, I'm terrified of it."

Vegeta groaned, his hand ushered for you to come closer. You crawled across the couch curiously before Vegeta grabbed you and pulled you closer.

"You can cuddle, but only this one time."

You smiled, leaning against Vegeta's bare skin. It was cold, but comforting at the same time. Vegeta wrapped his arm around you as an attempt to comfort you. It was obvious that Vegeta was new cuddling and comforting. You let out a small laugh, Vegeta growling in response.

"What's so funny?"

You grinned, looking at the other male. "You do have a soft spot."

Vegeta shook his head, "I don't. I just don't want to deal with your complaining."
You laughed. "You have a soft spot!" You sang, repeating your previous statement. You were about to continue until Vegeta lifted a finger, poking you in the ribs abruptly. You gasped, slapping Vegeta softly as a defense.

Vegeta smirked, leaning closer to you, mere inches from your face. "Ticklish are we?" He spoke softly, poking you again. From your ribs to your cheeks he continued poking and tickling his boyfriend who fell back, bring Vegeta even closer.

This didn't stop him however, it seemed to encourage him to continue. You laughed uncontrollably as Vegeta continued, and even added small kisses into the mix.

Vegeta smiled, leaning closer to his boyfriend. "Are you still afraid of the dark?"




Sorry it's late! I have no internet! If you have any requests I'm doing them now. If you have any requests I haven't done yet, comment please.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm just not sure if it's what the requester wanted.

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