Revelations// Gohan X Reader

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I decided to re-do Gohan!! I'm not gonna unpublish the other one, but just add another one. I hope this one is a lot better than that one. :)




"Y/N? Are you okay? You look pale?" Gohan, your husband of almost a year, asked you, and to be honest, no. You weren't okay. Lately you've been feeling angry. Like super angry. And now, you feel like you could collapse at any given moment. Though, you weren't one to want people to worry about you, so you just waved it off.

"Yeah.. I-I'm totally fine. Don't worry." You fake smiled, holding your flat stomach slightly. "I probably just ate some bad food of some sort."
He raised his eyebrow in suspicion, but decided not to push it. "Thank Kami he's not questioning me" You thought, and sat down, since you were exhausted from just standing for some odd reason.

He sighed quietly after looking at you for a bit. You knew he was catching on to you. And you didn't know how to get him to forget about his suspicions.

"I'm going to take a nap." You announced, waving your hand in front of your face. You stood up quickly, only to reach for whatever you could hold onto for support. As soon as you stood up, you felt nauseous, and it felt like the world around you was spinning.

"Walk me to the room?" You asked, feeling a bit embarrassed. He chuckled at you and lifted you up bridal style without warning, making you shriek, but calmed down as he began walking to yours and Gohan's shared room.

As he placed you on the bed, he kissed your forehead, raising his eyebrow in concern once again. "Do you need anything before I leave?" He asked you, moving a few stray strands of hair away from your face. You pondered for a moment, and smiled innocently at him. "Mind getting me some
F/F ice cream?"

A/N: F/F= Favorite Flavor

"Okay, beautiful. I'll be right back." He replied, grinning at you. After a few seconds of silence, he left you in the bedroom alone, and you heard the front door open, and shut.

You sighed, leaning back, feeling a bit of a sharp pain in your stomach, but decided to ignore it, and try to get some sleep in before Gohan arrives once more.

**Timeskip brought to you by Vegeta's pink shirt**

You opened your eyes slightly, as you heard the front door open, and you smiled as you heard a bag being placed on the counters, and footsteps gently hitting the floor, as if they didn't want to wake you.

You sat up as the door cracked open, revealing some light, and Gohan's handsome features. "Hey." You simply said, leaning back in one of your many pillows. He smiled at you, and picked up a medium sized tub of F/F ice cream, you felt happiness flow through you, at the beautiful sight.

"Would you mind bringing some potato chips? Please?" You asked, almost begging. You gave him puppy dog eyes to make sure he would bring the salty snack.
"Okay, anything else, Y/N?" Gohan replied, giving you a small smile.

"Actually, I want some pickles, any kind of fruit we have, potato chips of course, and ice. Just plain ice to chew on." You said, getting out of bed, and running to the restroom quickly. You practically vomited everything your system, and soon you felt a hand rubbing your back soothingly, and another holding your H/L H/C hair back.

A/N: H/L = Hair length
H/C= Hair color. :)

"Ughh.. I feel disgusting.." You groaned, sitting down on the floor and began to wipe your mouth, and wipe the tears from your eyes.
He gave you a sympathetic look, and you shook it off, not wanting to earn sympathy from him.

"If you don't mind handing me the car keys, I need to head somewhere." You announced after cleaning the bathroom up, as well as yourself.

"O-Okay? But do you want me to drive you or something?" He asked a bit worriedly, following you after you obtained the keys to yours and Gohan's shared car.
"Nope!" You smiled at him, trying to put up a front. He insisted, and you told him you needed to get a few "ladies things" by yourself, making him back away and nod embarrassedly. A/N: Is that even a word? XD Embarrassedly?

After pulling up to the drug store, you gulped, pulling your jacket and buttoning it. It was so freezing outside, which made you wonder why you didn't cover up more.

You walked by an embarrassing aisle, until you saw what you were looking for; Pregnancy Tests.
Except, there were so many brands... And you were too embarrassed to ask which one is the best, so you just bought the one that's price what around the middle, which probably meant it's quality was around the middle... Right?

You slammed the product on the Counter, muttering a few words under your breath, and the lady who, from her appearance, seemed to be in her mid-50s.
She gave you a smile, and scanned your item. "That'll be $10.97." She smiled sweetly, and you returned it politely, while pulling the 15 dollars you had on you, and putting them in the Counter in front of the lady.

She gave you your change, and you rushed out of the store. Sighing, you turned in the car, and took a turn opposite from the direction your home. You drove near Capsule Corp. only to chicken out and drive towards your house.

As you unlocked the door, you saw Gohan was nowhere to be found. You sighed in relief, and rushed into the restroom.

**Time skip**

You gasped at the result, you looked at the two pink lines, and it seemed they were staring at you back.

"When did we even???.....Ohhh."

Your thoughts were racing, and you didn't know what to do. You felt a pit in your stomach, and you didn't know if it was because you wanted to throw up or cry.

You chose the second option. You sat down on the side of the bathtub and cried. A lot. Knowing that Gohan wasn't present at home made things a little easier so that you could let out all of your emotions.
Realizing that the bathroom wasn't the best place to curl up in a ball and cry, you walked out of the bathroom, and into the hallway, when you heard the front door open, revealing Gohan, and in his hands were a bunch of bags that he placed down on the floor as soon as he saw your tear stained face.

Mentally cursing yourself for nor staying in the bathroom, you let Gohan embrace you in a hug. "What's wrong?" He asked, placing a kiss on the top of your head. You shook your head, responding with an "it's fine". You looked down at the floor, and he lifted you head with his finger, so that you were looking straight at him.

"You wouldn't be crying if it was nothing. Tell me what's wrong" He said sternly, looking you in your slightly red, slightly puffy eyes. You sighed.

"Now's a good a time as ever, Right?"

Bundling up all of your courage, you took a deep breath, even with the feeling you should make something up, you opened your mouth and said:

"I'm pregnant."





Welp. That's from my opinion, a pretty good one-shot. At least it's better than my other Gohan one-shot. I hope I did that old one justice, and made this an interesting in shot. Now, there will be a part 2 to this one-shot. I don't know if I'll make this a trilogy (like the Trunks one) but for sure there will be a part two.

When? I don't have a clue. I guess as soon as I have motivation.

Anyway, Feedback is always appreciated, and I hope you comment and vote.

Maybe follow? XD XD XD

Okay, that's a stretch. Who would want to follow me? XD

Okie that's all the joking for now. X3


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