Randomness and surprises// Gohan X Reader

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Okay, so it looks like I've really gotten to like doing Gohan X Reader one shots. XD
This is literally my fourth one. XD
So, this one is kind of short, and kind of Random.. Probably full of Derpy moments.... I guess we can say this is a random moment in your's and Gohan's relationship. *shrugs* I guess I'm gonna be lazy with this. XD

I hope you enjoy? X3





"Hey, wake up!"

You woke up to the twenty year old Gohan, acting like he's 5. He giggled lightly, and shook you quite roughly.

"Let me sleeeeep!!" You groaned, burying your face in your pillow. You were about to fall asleep, when you felt someone poke your ribs annoyingly. You shrieked, and slapped Gohan's hands away, making him laugh harder.

"Get up, already!!" He whined, pushing you off of your high bed, your knees touching the ground. Gohan held onto your hands, making what happened next even more dorky. "I'll never let go, Jack." Gohan pretend cried, his hands on your hands, making them press against the bed, as you were trying to get up, but found it quite difficult when your hands were practically being held down by his much stronger ones.

"Shut up, dork." You snorted, trying to get free of his grasp. He laughed, leaning forward a bit.

"Guess what happens next?" He smirked, and you gritted your teeth, but laughed at the same time.

"Oops! I let go!" He chuckled, his hands throwing your hands back, causing you to fall down on your butt. You groaned, dusting off your Pajamas from invisible dust.

You sat up, reaching forward to slap that smirk off of his handsome face, when he grabbed your wrist, obviously stopping your from doing anything.

"This face is too pretty for you to ruin. You should have just woken up in the first place." He shook his head "disappointedly", letting go of your hand making you slightly annoyed.

"Hurry and get up. I have a surprise in the kitchen for you." He announced much to your annoyance, and stood by the door frame. You made your way with him, and saw that the kitchen was trashed. Everywhere to look; something was out of place, or spilled.

You growled, and looked at him, only to see him on one knee holding an engagement ring. Raising an eyebrow, you eyed him down, and shook your head.

"I thought you would be more tasteful. This is a bad way to propose, you know" You shook your head at him "disappointedly" and turned your back toward him.

He paled. "S-So that means you don't accept?" You looked at him and cackled to yourself in your mind. "Of course not. Though I am keeping the ring. It's pretty." You said, turning your back to him and admiring the diamond ring that was currently wrapped around your finger. Much like Gohan at the moment.

"S-Seriously?!?!?!" He gasped, face red from embarrassment. You giggled at him. "Of course not, sweetie." You mumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck, and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I wouldn't deny you even if it saved my life."

Honestly, I have no idea wtf just happened. I made this one shot in less than 20 minutes, and I didn't revise.

On top of that, it's currently 2:17 in the morning. And I should be asleep. Yet I'm wasting time on Wattpad. Smart.

Anyway.... Comment? Idk. Tell me how bad I wrote this I guess .

Dragon Ball Z One Shots. (SLOW AS HECK UPDATES)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat