Chapter 22

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A/N ~So writers block hit me hard an there's a lot of shit happening in my life rn. I don't really want the story to be sad, but everything I write is sad, because of my sad thoughts. But I'm not gonna bore you with my problems. I tried staying positive and stand above it all and I managed (I think) sorry it took so long and enjoy pls~

"So... I should go." Jimin gets up smiles sadly. "No! Please stay!" Seokjin blurts out surprising not only the other men, but also himself. "Please don't leave."

Jimin chuckles, again sadly. "I'm sorry babyboy, I have to work tomorrow, my rent isn't gonna pay itself."

"Will you visit again?" Seokjin makes grabby hands at his brother and hugs him, making both Namjoon and Jimin coe at the small boy. "Off course! I wouldn't wanna miss you again! Wait." Jimin releases himself from his brother's embrace and grabs a piece of paper and a pen.

"Seoul, hunters-path 34, apartment 206." Namjoon reads out loud. "Now you can visit me to." Both boys smile the biggest smile and hug again. Jimin lovingly removes Seokjin's bangs from his face and kisses him on his forehead. "Okay?" He asks and Seokjin just smiles and nods. Namjoon there to witness it all. From a distance. Almost forgotten.

But he doesn't mind, he has to admit he's a bit jealous of how affectionate they are but he's fine. Just looking at how much this means to his boyfriend, makes him feel so incredibly happy. Especially because they've both had it rough in life, they deserve happiness.

Jimin says his last goodbyes, not forgetting to include Namjoon.

It's quiet. Seokjin just stares at the door for a while. "Jinnie are you okay?" The taller almost doesn't dare to ask, afraid for another flood of tears. And he was right.

Seokjin turns around with wet eyes. "I found him Joonie! We found him! I'm so happy!" Namjoon chuckles as he opens his arms, all to familiar dimples showing. Jin smiles back widely before jumping in his boyfriend's arms.

"Joon I'm so happy! I-I don't know what to do!"

Namjoon chuckles again stroking the smaller's cheek. "Sorry if you felt left out." He now kisses Seokjin on his head. "What are you saying? I'm so happy for you both. You deserve to have each other in your lives."

They embrace each other when the Taekook couple walks in with towels around their necks. "So who was that?" Jungkook asks rubbing Taehyung's hair dry. "M-my brother...." Seokjin shyly admits. "You have a brother? Why didn't you tell us about it?" Taehyung makes Jungkook almost fall forwards, skipping to the small hybrid, when Jungkook was still drying him. He earns a big sigh from both Jungkook and Namjoon.

"Well-uh I... Uh..." Soekjin tries to explain, but gets cut off by his boyfriend. "They haven't seen each other in years." "Oh... Why not?" Both Jungkook and Taehyung ask in unison. "Do you want to..." It was now Seokjin's turn to cut his boyfriend off. "Yes. They're my friends." He smiles.

Jungkook gulps down, expecting a harsh story, which he'll sure get in a moment. Taehyung also felt pressured, but was mostly happy to be called a friend.

Everybody takes a seat around the rough wooden table decorating the huge kitchen.

As Seokjin explains himself for the third time today, he still can't keep himself from crying. To all, very understandable, no one expected this cute little fluffball of glee to have such a sad and alarming past.

He told the boys everything, and well, it's Jungkook and Taehyung we're talking about. They had all sorts of questions.

"How's Jimin like?"

"How did you find each other?"
"We f-..."

"Why would they do that to you?"
"I don't-..."

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