Chapter 13

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"Taehyung, this is amazing! So that red dot is Wonho?" Hoseok's eyes are focused on the dot. "Yep. Well... His car."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Look!" Jungkook grabs them both by their shirt. "He's moving!"

"What's moving?"

Everyone turns around to find the source of the voice. It was Seokjin, standing in the doorpost, rubbing his eyes and just out of bed.

Everyone freezes. "Uh? Guys?" Seokjin does his best to walk up to them as normal as possible, but he can't help, but scrunch his nose, because of the pain on his leg.

Jungkook doesn't even think when he guides Seokjin to the computer, wanting to help the latter no matter what. "Jungkook, it's fine, I can walk." Seokjin reassures him.

He was wearing nothing but a big, oversized sweater from Namjoon, his tail wagging slowly from underneath.

As the office chair was free, Jungkook places himself on it with Seokjin on his lap. "Seokjinnie! You should rest more!"

Seokjin crosses his arms. "But it's boring! Everybody's gone all day and there's no one to play with!" He pouts.

"But I'm here!" Jungkook argues.

"Not true! You go away with Taehyung all day or with Hobi!"

Jungkook smirks. "You miss me that much?" Seokjin just nods. "Just tell me next time okay?"

"Y-you to Hobi!" Hoseok smiles. "Yeah, yeah."

Taehyung gives Seokjin a big hug. "Aaaawww Seokjinnie!" Seokjin hugs him back chuckling.

"So what are you doing?" He then asks. "Not much." Hoseok shrugs his shoulders. "Kind of a game on the computer." Jungkook ads. "But it's pretty boring."

Seokjin's eyes grow big. "Can I see?" He asks Jungkook cutely. Jungkook just chuckles, because of the boy's cuteness and innocence.

"Well..." Jungkook rolls to the desk where the laptop is. "It's kinda like a..." he stops to think. "A tracking game." Taehyung blurts out earning angry looks from both Jungkook and Hoseok. "It's much fun! You are a secret agent who has to track a bad guy!" Taehyung exclaims.

"Really?! Can I play to?! Aw please?" Seokjin clings to Jungkook's arm.

"Ah sure, but this is like the boring part. We have to follow the guy on the screen, he's the red dot." Jungkook points at the moving red dot.

"Wait! It's moving!"

Now all eyes on the screen following the movements of the red dot.

"But, wait. This is a map from our town!" Seokjin notices. "How is that possible?"

"You can do it with every town or village, type the name and you'll get that town's or village's map." Taehyung explains.

"That's so cool! So it's like the bad guy is your own town?" Jin leans to the screen to see better, practically shoving his ass into Jungkook's face.

"This is supercool! I'm gonna ask Namjoon to get me this!"

"Wait! No!" All others shout.

Seokjin sits down and looks the other guys confusedly in the eyes. "W-why not?" "Because it ehh.... they don't sell it anymore." Hoseok says.

"Yeah!" Taehyung says. "I got it when I was a child from my dad!"

Seokjin's smile turns into a pout as he seats himself on Jungkook's lap again. "That's to bad! But I can come and play it sometimes then?" His eyes focused on Taehyung, saying "please~" in the cutest way possible.

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