Chapter 3

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"So you really got a rabbit? I hoped the staff was mistaking." She says still looking disgusted. "But mom, how can you not like him? It's so cute!"

"Get that flea filled mormel out of my face!" She scrunches up her nose. "His name is Jungkook and he doesn't have fleas!" I try to defend Jungkookie, but it's no use.

"Bring it back Taehyung-ah." She says stern.


"What did you say?"

"I said no."

She looks shocked, but regaines herself quickly. "You are gonna bring it back, right now." I shake my head and clench Jungkook tighter. "No, mom!"

"Fine have it your way, I want you out of the house by tonight."

"Okay" I respond. Clearly shocking her.

"Exuse me?"

"It's okay, I'll leave."

She stares at me with her mouth wide open and big eyes from disbelief.

"You will abondon us for... A rabbit?"

"Of course not! I was kinda planning to live by myself. I have to grow up someday, right?"

After that is was quiet for a few seconds.

I put Jungkook in his cage and hug my mother. "Please remember I'm leaving because I want to, not because of this fight." I whisper. "It's okay honey, I know."

She steps out of the room, later coming back with a big bag to put clothes in. "Whenever you're ready." She says while planting the bag on the ground. We hug again.

~ A few moments later ~

I sit on the edge of my bed, looking at the bag I just packed. I chuckled to myself. "I actually got all my clothes in there, huh?" I scratch myself on the the back of my head. "What the actual fuck am I even doing? I don't even have en place to go to."

I look at Jungkook from across the room, peacefully sleeping in his cage. I rest my head on my hand sigh deeply. Suddenly I remember Namjoon. He'll definitely give his spare room, aaaaannnddd how much fun would that be?! When I call him, it takes a while for him to pick up.

Suddenly I hear a tired voice say hello. "Namjoon!" I shout in the phone. "O my god Taehyung." He just says. "Can you help me?" I ask, doing aegyo. "With what? And stop doing aegyo it creeps me the fuck out." He awnsers. "Well, I want a place to live and..." Before I could finish my sentence, he interupts me. "You need what? Tae what did you do?"

"My mom didn't like Jungkook and said I should bring him back, but of course I don't want to and she said it's either you or Jungkook and I said fune I'll move, but she didn't really want me to move , but I do want to move so can be more independent, but I don't really have anywhere to go. But then I thought about you." I say in one breath and Namjoon listened the whole time and even waited for if had some more to say. "Sure." He then says after a few seconds of silence.

"OH MY GOD REALLY?" I scream.

"Yes! Yes! Please stop screaming. Ugh I was sleeping so peacefully just a minute ago."

"So can you come to my house to pick me and my stuff up?"

"What are you talking about? You have a car and I don't."

"Yeah, but to help me with loading in my stuff."

It's silent for a moment. But them he sighs.

"Fine, I can't say no to you."


"I'll be there in about a quarter."

"Okayy, see ya!"

"See ya."

So ended our call.

~ About a quarter later ~

As soon as I heard the bell, I ran downstairs. I whipe some sweat of my forehead and almost tripping on our marble staircase. While panting I open the door. It's Namjoon. I hug him, but pushes me of. "Bro you're sweating so much, what did you do?" "I packed all my stuff, in a quarter, I'm dead." I awnser while letting out a big sigh.

"Your house always seems to amaze me. Even though I've been here a thousand times." I laugh at Namjoons remark. "Well, sometimes it even amazes me to." We start carrying boxes to my car.

"So why leave?" Namjoon askes.

"Gotta grow up bro, achieve my dreams."

"Then what are your dreams? I've never heard you talking like this before. You're scaring me. Who are you and what did you do to my Tae-Tae? " He playfully pokes me with his elbow.

"I don't have a dream, but isn't it about time to find one?"

"Nah bro, we've got all the time of the world."

With that soothing sentence, the last box is in my car. I hug Namjoon. "Thank you Namjoon." He hugs me back and pats my back. "Always."

"Taehyung-ah!" We broke our embrace to search where the voice was coming from. It was my mom, running towards us, my dad walking camly behind her. I hug her tightly and my dad joins in, Namjoon left as invisible. I swore I could see him smile at the sight.

"Take care honey, we're gonna miss you!" My mom says and kisses my on my cheek. "Take care son, I believe 100% you'll be fine. Don't forget to visit us or call us okay?" My dad adds and hugs me one more time. I smile. "Thank you, mom, dad, I love you!" I kiss them goodbye and get into the car. I take Jungkook on my lap and wave my parents goodbye.

A new start, of a new life for me. 

"You're smiling way to much." Namjoon chuckles.

"Shut up and just give me this one."

Namjoom laugs again. "Sure thing." 

"Oh yeah I asked Yoongi to help, he actually said maybe instead of an instant no."

"Well, he lives right next to you so... No-no-no wait, next to US now."

"Getting out of bed is already to much for the guy, so that doesn't say anything."


As we drive into the parking lot we spot Yoongi waiting for us. "Huh, he actually came." I say. "Yeah, but he has someone with him." Namjoon notices. "Who is it? Who is it?" I ask trying to see who it is, but because of the angle, I can't see. "He's taller than Yoongi." I notice seeing them from behind. "Yeah. but that isn't that difficult." Namjoon snorts. 

Yoongi comes walking with his mystery guest trailing behind him. They both patienly wait until we parked the car. I put Jungkook on the passenger's seat. As we step out of the car,  I get a better view of the mystery guest. His hair is dyed red and his clothes are pretty flashy as well.  "Hey guys, long time no see." Yoongi starts, hugging us both. "This is my new roommate Jung Hoseok." 

((((( A Little note~)))))

Who is this Jung Hoseok?

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late 😂

Let me know what you think! 😉

Thanks for reading!

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